Open Letter to Kasie Hunt at MSNBC

An Open Letter to “Kasie” Hunt:

Day before yesterday, Kasie Hunt personally invited me, right there on her “Way Too Early” morning show, to email her and tell her why I’m up this early — right now, her show is just starting — I’m missing part of it because I came out here to the office to get this up on my blog page, and here it is:

Hunt. Your last name is “Hunt”. I only mention it, because there was rampant speculation that, after your “D.C.” program, nobody knows your last name. Well, in at least one case, that’s not true.
Now that we’ve got that over with, Hi, Kasie!
Like the London gardener in “Beyond the Fringe”, I’m always up around nine-ish, planting oats and carrots for the night-fighters. I’m a writer, artist, jazz musician and teacher of all those and more, and have always been a night-worker, the kind you don’t see in the shadows. I burn the Midnight Oil — always have, always will. Continue reading