A Person for All Seasons

Order tea from us at the morning meeting!

Herbs & Spices from the Cloister Kitchen

Prices are “per bag”, which will vary in amounts based on the stuff inside, okay? I’ll get special bags for the project, which will show off the herbs nicely. Jewel and I have been studying hundreds of packaging options, and we think we have a winner with our Clear Bags. When appropriate, a ribbon is wrapped around the things, but that doesn’t happen often, except of course with the honey. Continue reading

Mantras as Resonant Thought-Forms

Incenses are made for every purpose. If you don’t see what you want, just ask.

A Mantra is a powerful sound that is tuned specifically to a narrow range on the EMS or
“Electro-Magnetic Spectrum” which contains things like radio waves, photon chains and sound both within and outside the human range of hearing.

In short, everything you can possibly ever experience is some sort of something in vibration.

The only real question is, “How fast?”. Continue reading