Who the Heck is Xipe-Totec???

Who is Xipe-Totec, you ask? Sure, he’s the God of Thunder, demi-god of this and that, but forget about all that stuff; it’s just how he makes his living. What really counts is that he’s my best buddy from the Old Days back in the Southwest of Nirvana, when men were men and sheep were nervous. We used to knock around; he played a mean, fast-paced stickball and stoop-ball, and he won every bottle-top derby ever run. He was a sidewalk champion, and that’s saying a lot. The six-gun packed a whallop and it could hit a fried bean at fifty paces, but most gun battles were at close range, anywhere from belly-to-belly all the up to an average of four feet apart.

I hope this clears up some questions you’ve been having about western gunfights in the territories. See You At The Top!!!
