Waking State Tattoo Triggers & How They Work

Amy and LeslieAnn displaying Waking State Trigger Tattoos at Amy's Place
Amy and LeslieAnn displaying Waking State Trigger Tattoos at Amy’s Place

The Human Biological Machine is mostly water. Actually, salts, fats and other solids in solution, combined with a tendency toward negentropy that results in organs, rivers of blood and pools of electrical energy — in short, a semi-successful solidization of energy, calling itself “human being”.

Because it uses tools, makes its own home, handles fire fairly well, is able to hold down a job by flattering the boss, and it can seduce someone or something into sex, it considers itself very, very smart, very smart indeed.

Actually, all that stuff comes under the heading of “MOVEACT CODE”, because it’s all built into the machine; it all happens automatically, in predictable patterns of helpless and unknowingly produced “knee-jerk reactions” to chains of otherwise unconnected life-events, producing what can only be termed “life-drama”.

Life-Drama tends to disrupt consciousness.

If you’re looking to awaken IN THE MACHINE in order to accomplish your higher work, you’ll want lots of WAKING STATE TRIGGERS, such as my Temporary Tattoos, Decals and other incredible wondrous goodies. Waking States disrupt Life-Dramas, which tend to disrupt conciousness, like I said.

I made my tattoos the way I make my books, videos, jewelry & fashions — with magic. They are designed to trigger the Waking State, period. That’s their whole function, but in this case, form need not follow function, meaning that I am free to make the designs look like tattoos or not, depending on the need for calligraphic detail, sigils, etc.


Reincarnation Awareness BardoMania Online Gaming


BardoMania Is Here At Last. The fulfillment of my visionary dreams so many years ago, long before computers existed. Now, at last, you can experience First-Person what I had envisioned as a training environment for you to learn how to maneuver in the Afterlife and other-worldly alternate universes.

I think I have in my hands what might be the Ultimate Immersive Death, Rebirth, Afterlife, Alternative Universes and Alien Dimensions of Otherness Experience of Your Lifetime, all for the price of a cup of coffee and a donut!!!

Here’s what I know so far:

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