Shamanic Secrets

One of my chief shamanic secrets is my daily Vision Quest on youtube.
People are always asking how it is that I manage to find the bizarre things I
manage to find, such as this prime example of something you probably
would never see in your lifetime except on this blog:

Take into account that I am an expert compound bow marksman and that I
manufacture custom bows and have done so for over 40 years with my
ZenBoKo bow company, but I had no prior knowledge that this was part of
the act.

Okay, now let’s journey further, but first, I might explain that the Unlocking
Mysteries are the key to all this Vision Questing.

Here’s how you can use my Shamanic Training Tools to work your own daily

1.      Run one of my Shamanic Skill-Builders, starting with #1.
2.      Follow the directions given on the exit page, then start your own
Vision Quest as outlined in the instructions on that page.
3.      Tell me what happened!!!

So here’s one more example of how far out of the box you can go with
this…if you’ve ever seen the Gurdjieff Movements, you’ll undoubtedly
recognize some of these dance patterns — this is a Kurdish cultural group
living in Sweden:

And here is the original basis of my own “Iso-Magification” system of dance
movement, in which every part of the body is in total isolation — I’m currently
reviving my dance movements program to include isolations such as you will
see now:

Here’s something that will hold your attention…it is remeniscent of the Fire
Dance so popular in the 1940s, but ever so much more dangerous …. For
sheer danger, nothing is quite as dangerous as this young lady with a built-in
vibrator in every part of her body — unfortunately, she has to stop when she
totally runs out of ideas:

Now, here’s an Egyptian belly-dancer with a different approach to inflation:

How about a bellydance out in a beautiful & picturesque setting like this one
— and such a beautiful and dramatic dancer !!!

And along the ancient trade routes, even today you can find dancers in
desert safaris…L@@K at this!!! It’s an event akin to our campfire folk-song
festivals in the 1940s and 50s.

Okay, one more and then I’m off to an early morning breakfast… This young
lady has clearly mastered the moves most important to her art…however,
tantrically speaking, this Lithuanian winner is ‘way out of line. (guru joke.
ignore it, if you’re not a guru.)

More shamanic secrets tomorrow.
