What is an Oracle?

 What is an Oracle? Actually, quite literally, it is an eye into the unseen, whether past, present or future. It’s just another way of seeing; in this case, seeing with different eyes. I’ll explain:

Back in ancient times, people didn’t have books, internet, wikipedia, cell phones, mobile apps or information services to tell them things like what the weather was going to be like for the next few weeks, or what was going on in parts of the world that were out of sight.

Oracles were important in a world without communication.

Quite clearly, according to all reports, expectations and deliverances, we’re in the Information Age, and that should mean lots and lots of good information, right?

Where does it say “Age of Good Communication” in “Communication Age”? You’re right, it doesn’t, and nowhere is there a guarantee of good, effective, meaningful or significant communication in the raw act of communicating.

The thing is, nobody really gives a flying hoo-hah about communication, it’s just a cool thing to know about and ramble on about, eh? But communication is very important to you and to your work, and I’ll be only too happy to explain just how that is:

Communication is a tool that can help you cross over from one world to another, which we call “Trans-Dimensional Travel”. It isn’t really travel in the sense that you cross distances of any sort, but you do get the effect of going somewhere, that is, if you know where you’ve been, so you can compare that with where you are now.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you won’t notice a thing.

Most people…holy moley, I could tell you stories, but on the noticing issue, I gotta say this:

I’ve been with folks who have, with me, undergone serious life-destroying, earth-rendering events — 8.9 earthquake, tidal wave, 10,000 lightning strikes in a single hour, explosions, surface-to-surface missiles zipping by, you name it.

Uncannily, only moments afterward, the folks who witnessed it were unaware of the event.

Oh, sure, I know the usual clinical explanations for short-term memory erasure, but I really can’t explain some of these things, like this…

About thirty people standing around together. A nude girl walks through the crowd and back out again. I’m not making this up; it was a demonstration given by St. Mike at Cosmo Street with the help of one of the students, I can’t remember which one.

Point is, not only did no one notice the rather startling event, but they had no memory the next day of being asked about it.

I can ask someone about an event that should have been important enough to them to cause them to remember it, but they weren’t able to. This ranges from having seen a movie like “Beetlejuice” — who can’t remember that? Some folks evidently can’t or don’t, as life-changing (death-changing?) as it might have been for them.

Ask most folks about high school, college, military service — anything. Ask someone to tell you how they spent the year 1994, or last week, and see how far they get. You remember the high points somewhat, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts you can’t produce a timeline of your life without a lot of prompting, photos, documents and hearsay from friends and relatives.

You have a vague idea that you must have been there for your past, but you can’t for your life enumerate the exact events that you went through to get here, where you are now; not even the most prominent of them are available for recall without some special help.

Try to remember exactly how you spent an entire year of your life, day by day, week by week, month by month. A whole year. Now do that for your entire life, right back to the date of birth.

You can’t?

You mean you won’t. You don’t want to spend the energy, take the time, make the effort.

You only feel that way because you don’t know the value of the effort and the power of the result. And push comes to shove, you somehow realize, although it makes you uncomfortable, that even if you had to do it under pain of death, you probably could not.

There are two very profound reasons why you can’t remember your life in detail:

1. You’re not convinced it’s necessary.

2. You haven’t acquired the skill.

Acquiring the skill is easy; a few dozen runs through a series of Prosperity Path Memory Orbs and other skill-provoking levels will do you a world of good. Convincing you of the necessity is an impossibility. I leave the underlying provocation for your actions in your own able hands.

You are an immortal Being, living parallel lives in uncountable dimensions with equally uncountable variations. You can’t get over it; you might as well learn to live with it.

Download a Prosperity Path Oracle Class Orb and see what I mean!

See You At The Top!!!
