Why Pan? Why Aphrodite? Why Socrates?

This is in response to those few folks wearing horse-blinders in today’s very diverse culture. This is America the Melting Pot! Every belief, every deity, every worship is welcome! Where the hell you been all these years? Ever read the fricking Constitution and Bill of Rights with Amendments? Do you realize that your freedoms are also the freedoms of others??? Would you even remain here, with conditions the way they are today, if it weren’t for the protection of the Bill of Rights and Constitution? Give the animal instincts of Territorial Imperative and Hive Purges a rest, will ya??? From me, a visitor here to your Earth, you’ll get only diversity, for one major reason; to me, all bipeds look alike.

The Oracle Orbs are made with only one idea in mind:

If you could communicate clearly and openly with anyone, anywhen and anywhere, any entity, any being on any level, alive or dead — absolutely anyone including God — with whom would you like to open communications right now?

Okay, would that be just one answer? That’d be like having only one friend, or loving one out of three children. Some folks don’t even have that, I guess. But diversity is always an excellent answer. Why not talk to all of them? Of course, it’d have to be one at a time, but what other important things do you have to do right now anyway???

You might prefer one name or appearance of God over another, based on your prior beliefs, attitudes or brainwashing, but I’ll get to each one of them sooner or later.

The setting is more or less basic to all the Oracle Orbs. They’re all set in my old studio, Cosmo Street, in the Timeless Model of the Markham Building Claude produced, that I’ve placed once again, as it was back in the day, on the corner of Cosmo and Hollywood Boulevard, in the general vicinity of A.D. 1967, the Summer of Love.

As a Summer of Love, it’s very overrated, but as a general landmark, it serves as well as WWII and the Great Plague of London, both rave fave signposts for me on my shamanic journeys.

You are invited to go into the Prosperity Path Trading Post to pick up the items you’ll need before your Close Encounter of the Fourth Way.

Then you’ll wind your way up the ramps to the studio where you will meet your Oracle.

I have selected many ancient, medieval and modern characters for my Oracle Orbs; I’m rather selective in these choices, so haven’t included characters that would tread on the toes of those still among the living, but it’s mighty tempting, mighty tempting indeed, especially in the case of recent folks who have led their flock seriously into the woods… No, I’ll leave that thought alone, let their followers remain bewildered, until the fit passes.

So amongst the characters I’ve included in my Prosperity Path Pantheon will be Greek Gods and Goddesses, Roman Gods and Goddesses, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Indian, Korean, Chinese characters. There will be Buddhists, Sufis, Methodists and Neo-Pagans; I will be including characters from all faiths and beliefs and cultures for my Oracle Orbs.

Chill on the “they don’t belong in the list” outcries, okay? Once you put someone else on that deadly list, it won’t be long before your name is on there, too.

Look at it from my perspective; where I come from, there are no tribal groups, just one tribe with a lot of diversity. If you manage to make your way there through my Prosperity Path Orbs, you’ll like being there as much as I do.

You can’t change the world, but you can change worlds.

You might take exception to the fact that I have an Oracle Orb where you can talk to Pan, or open your heart to Rumi, or discuss the facts with Socrates, but it’s normal where I come from to have all the cards on the table, face up, and I don’t play the game any other way.

At my level of play, I have to cut a lot of slack to the universe, so I play it as a lowly level one char, no magic, no weapons, no armor, no boosts, no powers, just simple truth.

It works for me, and I hope to encourage you to play on the same level with the same vitality.

But in order to energize your life, you need take some action, and direct action in the Einsteinian Universe is futile, as well you know.

I’m offering an alternative; the Quantum Effect, a route that takes you through the 11th dimension and into a world of Parallel Lives, all of which are potentially open to you if you know how to get there, and that’s what Prosperity Path is all about.

Sure, it’s designed to make your life more…what? Comfortable? Not really. It’s specifically designed to get you the tools, resources and assets you need in order to conduct your work efforts here on planet earth.

You might end up with slightly more than you need, but you can always give it away.

See You At The Top!!!
