You Have My Permission…

You do have my Permission, but for what? Do you even need it??? Let’s examine the situation more closely:

Permission is something that you get from someone else regarding your thoughts, actions and/or emotions, right? Pardon me while I have a little belly-laugh. Look at this issue with me:

Where does the idea of “Permission” come from?

Essentially, if you’re waiting for permission from another, it’s a way of passing the buck, of evading responsibility for an action. “I’m not responsible!” is the cry of all peoples throughout history, and if you’ve ever met a human of planet earth, you know why they persist in the belief that they’re not responsible when they clearly are.

Humans of planet earth are like all other creatures in one respect; they do the least for the most. In short, laziness is built into the machine by nature, along the lines of Conservation of Energy, a sort of short-term struggle against the inexorable power of entropy.

What is entropy? Think of one of those original steel slinkies bopping down a long flight of carpeted stairs in some 3-story gabled and fabled abandoned mid-Victorian haunted mansion, and you’d get the idea of what entropy leads to — stillness and silence like you’ve never felt before.

Then everything gets small again, and we go through the whole Megilla again. Those are called Kalpas, and the startup for those things is very unpleasant, and in the Creation Department, there are no options; “I had nothing but myself with which to make the world; out of myself the world was made.”

You can imagine how that feels for the creator.

Think of a computer that makes itself, backwards from the product to the device that created the product. This Inclination Effect is what produces the quantum effects you see when you try to monitor a wave — it can’t be done; the observed wave turns into a particle, and if you were ever going to observe it, it’s a particle from the beginning, because it can “see” into the future and adjusts itself according to not only what is, but what will be.

Jiminy Cricket, if we could only harness that power!

But dammit, we can; that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along. And the Prosperity Path Orbs are tools that help you learn how.

And what’s more, each Orb teaches a different lesson, performs a different spiritual function and is measured by different — sometimes wildly different — signs and signals that a Quantum Effect Has Taken Place.

The Orbs do several things at once:

1. They address a problem that’s happening right now and is an obstruction on your Work Path.

2. The Orbs are teaching devices. Each Orb teaches something different.

3. Orbs are a communication device between you and your scattered selves throughout the multiverse.

Permission was the opening idea, and I want to finish with that thought. Getting permission from others is hard, sometimes impossible; giving yourself permission is just as tough — believe me, from teaching 50 years of art classes, I know how hard it is for people to give themselves permission to paint, to draw, to sculpt, to play.

How hard should you work?

You’re on the clock. Only so many good work-hours in any lifetime. You make the choices, you decide how to use the time left to you. Give yourself permission to evolve.

See You At The Top!!!
