Approval? Not for YOU!!!

Of the two-dozen or so Orbs posted for download, one Orb stands out as the Least Interesting Orb. It’s the one called “Approval”, and nobody seems interested in downloading it at the moment, if you believe the early numbers. Of course, that’ll change, once folks understand what this Orb is really all about. Approval starts with Parental Approval, something you should by now know that you’ll never get.

You can’t possibly get parental Approval. Nobody can, nobody ever has. Grandparents are different. You’ll hear this all over the planet: “I wish my parents had treated me the way my grandparents did!”

Can’t be. Level of responsibility and commitment to the kid are different in parents and grandparents and everyone knows it.

The Need for Approval is responsible for most, if not all, of your miseries, yet you’ll do anything before you fix what the need for Approval will make you do.

Oh, yes, it’ll get you into some serious trouble, if you let it, and if you let it get beyond the mere approval level, it can progress up to the Need for Approbation, a disease that can only be cured by loud continuous applause.

It’s not the Approval itself, see? It’s the need for Approval. Of course you know Rule #1: “As soon as you don’t need or want it anymore, you get as much of it as you want.”

This Inexorable Law of Irony is inflexible, rigid and unforgiving. It is the Unseen Force that drives most people — the need for Approval.

Fortunately, Approval is available, but it might not be the specific Approval you’ve been trying to win all these years. Maybe you can’t win that Approval ever now, because the objects of Approval are gone, perhaps to the Great Beyond or further?

We’ll talk about Further…Later.

Meantime, I want you to understand why most folks don’t download the Approval Orb:

They’ve been convinced by Life that no matter what they do, they can’t ever get Approval.

What a shame, because not only can they get all the Approval they’d ever want, but I can prove to them that they really don’t need it.

See, what the subconscious demands is some evidence of success Out There beyond the skin. No problem, Approval indicates success. But what exactly is an indication of Approval? A recognizable signal that something has gone well with you???

There are such signals, things that the subconscious recognizes clearly as indicators that Approval has been achieved, that your efforts have not gone unacknowledged.

I’ll let you in on something created many years ago, actually in spring of 1953, by my dad Horace and myself; it was called “The Junior-Jiffy Tantrum Room”, and he wrote a Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine Editorial on it — today, it’d be called a “blog”.

The Tantrum Room was a sound-proofed and thickly-padded room in which you could carry on, throw a fit, scream to your heart’s content and generally have the tantrum of your life, get out all your rage, torment, misery and fear.

We didn’t know it or take commercial advantage of it, but we had just invented Primal Scream.

Ironically, some top Primal Scream therapists have worked with me over the years. Hmmm…there must be something to that, but it eludes me at the moment.

Approval. You can’t earn it, can’t beg for it, can’t steal it, can’t make it for yourself and certainly can’t buy it. True, sadly, too, too true.

But even though you can’t get Approval in any of the ordinary obvious ways, you can get Approval, but you’ll have to be clever, tricky, sneaky…

You can’t win Approval. But you can download it.

“What???” you exclaim, hands in the air and arms akimbo. “Download Approval? Like a pizza?”

And I reply, “Yes, you can download Approval. And what’s more, this Approval is every bit as good as the Approval you’d get from any other source — parental, peer group, cultural, neighborhood, school committee, council, you name it!”

Yessir, the Approval I ship is the Approval you want!

I’ll let you in on a Little Secret:

Approval is the Orb of Choice for running early coaching sessions, and it’s one that I’ll often choose, because it offers the deepest delving into the why of someone’s existence, and opens the potential for Higher Consciousness once the need for Approval is somewhat diminished. The need for Approval is a powerful oppressive force against spiritual evolution, about which we’ll talk more another time.

Whether you think Approval is a factor in your life or not, run the Orb and see how much hidden force has been behind your life and your decisions all these years!

There’s nothing quite like this surprising little Orb to turn up those cute little habits you’ve developed to handle the need for Approval that’s lurking deep inside your soul!!!

It’s one of those things that, if the soul only knew the speck was there, it’d flick it out in an instant. The Approval Orb sends out the signal loud & clear that you don’t need no stinkin’ badge!!!!

If you need Approval in order to get a job done, this is the Orb for you!!! If you want to rid yourself of the Need for Approval, this is profoundly the top choice!!! Either way, you win!

See You At The Top!!!
