The Simple Self

What is The Simple Self?

Gee, that’s the best question you’ve asked all day. It’s what’s left after. You know what I mean. After.

You need to learn to Park the Body in order to reveal the Simple Self, which is unlocked with a Secret Mantra that you get when you receive your Second Initiation.

You won’t start there. You’ll have to start at the very beginning.

The Simple Self reveals itself in stages, corresponding to your spiritual growth and personal evolution.

Coinology “Soul Searching” — searching coins in a special way with multiple attention, again awakened only with the use of a Secret Mantra, given at your First Initiation.

The Wisdom Path is revealed through Soul Search.

One is open to Higher Influences.

Because you are performing the Sacred Obligation of Soul Search, you will instantly receive help from the Other Side, as your consciousness expands outward in all directions.

The Simple Self is always happy, always content.

The Simple Self KNOWS why the Buddha is smiling — the half-lidded eyes are another issue entirely, purely an organic reflection, a body-mechanism that assists the meditation.

I dunno about you, but it sure gets ME off the ground when I half-lid my eyes and full-field focus on nothing in particular.

Try it, I think you’ll see what I mean.

Of course, without a body, it’s hard as hell to do that, but you’re never without a body, although quite often it isn’t anything even distantly resembling an organic body.


Want to generate a healing atmosphere? Brew up a cup of my famous Aromatic Tea Blend #1 and breathe it in for a while, then put the brew into a hot bath.

Can my Aromatic Blend #1 be drunk?

I dunno, never went to a party with my tea blends.

If you want to add the Healing Effect into a coin search, well, there’s my Aromatic Blends that can be brewed up and breathed in as you work.

The vibration of the aromatics creates some form of portal that allows a vortex to form, which can carry angelic healing into the space.

Coinology Soul Search is the simple path to the Simple Self.

The Simple Self has also been called “The Simple Soul”, but Simple Self is, in my opinion, a much better word for the current climate, which is anti-intellectual and profoundly disrespectful of the Soul.

So, the general effect of repeated Coinology Soul Searches is to reduce the ego to the simplicity of the Simple Self, which is, as I said above, what’s left after.

No mind, no self — although there is a sense of self as a pure observer — no ordinary memory, no interest in any of the goings-on within the time-frame of the universe.

Everything that seemed so important suddenly isn’t, when you’ve breathed your last.

Hopefully, when you’re out there without a body, you’ll remember what it was like to park your body and VOLUNTARILY reduce your big fat ego down to the Simple Self, and you’ll do just fine.

If you’re unaccustomed to the stripped-down Simple Self, you’ll be thrown around like the steel ball in a pinball machine, and you’re not going to like it.

Nor will you like the results — a shitty rebirth and a set of really stupid parents, and that’s if you’re lucky.

What I mean by “Lucky” is, I hope you’ve taken the trouble to use the SuperBeacon through the basics, thus guaranteeing “No Lower Rebirths”, saving you tons of time in quadruped forms and other serious side-effects.

Best to prepare now for what’s to come, but if you still think there’s a way AROUND death, you’ve got a nasty surprise up ahead, when you get there.

That won’t be all that long, by anyone’s clock.

There are some easy routes to the Simple Self, but all of them take time, effort and repetition, repetition, repetition.

And I mean that. Lots of repetition.

And trust.

And Respect.

And Caring.

See You At The Top!!!
