Escape From Planet Trump

Tired of the old runaround? Don’t want to be directly under the nukes when they go off in your hometown? Have an aversion to being roasted alive by a mob of fear-crazed zombies? Maybe it’s time to take another look at your escape route off of Planet Trump.

I know, I know — I said “no more Trump shit”, and I meant it then and mean it now, but…you have to have some idea of what to do while you’re waiting to be taken away to the nearest labor camp “to save your life, and give you food, medicine, shelter and protection”.

From then on, you work until you die.

Watch as one by one, your freedoms are taken away. Coins and dollar bills will be the first to go, as all currency is controlled through the cloud, through computers that first determine your exact present location and identity, then pass the transaction through.

There will be many blocks, many obstacles, many obstructions on the path to liberation, but there always are, and sometimes they are so in-your-face that they can’t be ignored.

I can afford to ignore Donald Trump forever, but you can’t, and in all conscience, I can’t remain silent, much as I would preferĀ  to. Continue reading

Z00MSHOP – Black Tourmaline Earrings


BLACK TOURMALINE has long been valued as the most powerful Psychic Self-Defense Gemstone that can be found on Planet Earth. There are so many occult powers attributed to Black Tourmaline that merely listing them would take up the entire instruction sheet. Look on the internet for more information about Black Tourmaline, and experience the power of Tourmaline by wearing your Jewels of Ancient Lands Black Tourmaline creations! Continue reading