Have You Had Enough?

I had considered putting the chanting crowd video here from last night’s Trump Rally, but I don’t want to repeat the offense, and I definitely don’t want to elevate it in any way shape or form to a level of recognition.

On the other hand, if you missed it, you have a big surprise coming.

The crowd chants “Send her back!” and this is growled and shouted and chanted at the ugly racist Republican Nazi Party “Rally” toward a duly elected American Congressperson, Rep. Ilhan Omar. Thus Donald J. Trump urges the crowd to violate Federal Laws against discrimination.

Hey, make no mistake, the Republican Party has been eaten alive by the Nazi Party. The KKK is now part of our Federal Government, forming a real “Deep State”, not a fake Trumpian whine and whimper.

Not only is the chanting crowd utterly powerful, unstoppable and totally dangerous to the health and safety of the targets — people of color, LGBT folks, non-Europeans and yes, even we Jews — or is it “us Jews”?

No, it’s definitely “we” Jews.

I can still wield a wicked harp in Heaven!

I’m old enough and Jewish enough to be able to say that I survived the First Holocaust — this coming Holocaust will be the second of three Jewish Holocausts, and I don’t expect to live through the next one. It will be a pretty thorough genocidal massacre.

I don’t have a lot of plans for the distant future. I’ve seen what chanting mobs can do, and I know that there is no defense against a mob.

You can take about a dozen of them with you, but that’s about it. You will go down, in a swarm of ants. There is no escape.

The best thing to do is hide from the animal rage. There isn’t anything to do but let the steam run out, which doesn’t happen until after blood has been spilled, like guillotines and hand grenades.

The fear has become violence.

You can’t stop a mob. Don’t even think the thought. You MUST get away before they get even close enough for you to hear!

It can happen even in your small town, even in your safe space, even in the most diverse and friendly environment in the world, because Trump knows how to fire up that hatred, and he has nothing stopping him — certainly not conscience or shame.

That means “stay tuned” at all times for any sign of public disturbance.

It can be deadly to be unaware, so stay constantly tuned for trouble, local or regional or national.

Don’t let curiosity lead you into destruction. Hear a strange crunching, tearing sound? Is it something like the sound of an oncoming locomotive?

Well, get smart, in this Age of Trump. Don’t go near the windows, draw the drapes and lower the lights.


Remain at home and order out for everything. Make sure the delivery person is not armed and does not wear a red ball cap or one of those 2019 campaign “MAWA” propellor beanies.

Have a video eye installed on your front door, and don’t go out at night, or at all, if you’re other than white.

If you LOOK Jewish, bad things can happen. Claudio wasn’t Jewish, but he had a nose that sort of looked “in type” — so he got mobbed at a rail station, and the crowd chanted “Go Home, Jew!” over and over again until he left the rail station and got onto an airplane instead.

I don’t mean to say that rail travel is more dangerous than air travel, but you do get a more educated crowd, which reduces greatly the chances of running into a Trumpie Storm Trooper.

I have a T-shirt planned, “Yeah, I’m a Jew, come get some!” for those who vowed “Never again,” after the recent unpleasantness they call “World War II”, which Trump thinks means “World War Eleven”, he is soooooo dumb.


Stay away from mobs or potential mobs, such as sports events, dances, weddings, bar-mitzvahs.

Especially after the Anti-Semitic rhetoric from Trump, it’s possible that we will see attacks on just about every minority in the country, after Trump has legitimatized violence and racial hatred.

I’m old enough and Jewish enough to have seen it all before.

I have many experiences of being turned away from restaurants such as the Russian Tea Room in NYC, and from hotels such as the Fontainbleu in Florida, and of being called “Dirty Jew”.

Frankly, there aren’t a whole helluva lotta folks who keep themselves as clean as I do, but reason and sense have no place in this discussion.

It’s about raw fear, raw emotion, and raw directed hate.

I’ve been advocating the dumping of all weapons, but especially firearms, because if you have one and are forced to use it, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, this I know.

But after last night, I have to reverse my suggestion. At this point, I’d set up a perimeter defense around your house if you’re any kind of minority, even one of the “invisible” ones, such as LGBT, although when LeslieAnn goes public and shouts out in a deep baritone voice, it leaves little doubt.

Okay, fair enough, Trump wants a race war, religious war, cultural war and every other kind of war he can stir up — he does know how to whip a crowd into a frenzied mob, doesn’t he?

If you’re not scared, just watch the crowds around Hitler. They adored him, until he led them into war, but they didn’t abandon him until THINGS WENT WRONG.

And that’s what has to happen. Things have to start going wrong for Donald, and so far, they haven’t, but I have a remedy for that. Humor and Humiliation.

Parody Artist Randy Rainbow (hi, gurl) has been described as “America’s Best Weapon Against Donald Trump”, and every major magazine including Mother Jones, Billboard, National Public Radio Magazine, Theatermania, Washington Post and many others have extolled the “killing virtues” of this bitingly satirical songwriter/performer’s brilliant jabs at the Orange Frito — or was it Cheeto?


Randy Rainbow has the right idea — the absolute One Thing That Trump Hates Most is for people to laugh at him. My God, does he fear humiliation!

He doesn’t understand laughter, never actually laughs himself, and is convinced when he hears it that everyone is laughing at him, and in this rare case, he happens to be right, as witness his United Nations bragging speech where the audience laughed him off the stage.

In the short term, the Nazi chanting will look like it’s working, but in the long term, it sweeps the nation and overcomes all semblance of decency, but not to worry, there’s always the possibility of war in the eighth dimension.

Yes, the eighth dimension, where else?

If you don’t fight the wars in the eighth dimension, they’ll spill right over into your homeland, and you wouldn’t want that.

Well, maybe you would. If you’ve ever played my 3D game “Escape from Planet Trump”, you’ll know how to escape the mobs and take the high road out.

If you don’t want to merely play at getting out of Trumpworld, you might try wearing the Godd™ Particle.

Want to stop Trump?

Give me the means to get the Godd™ Particle out to every lawmaker and influencer in the land. Hey, you want world peace? Actually?

Okay, give me the means to get a Godd™ Particle on every man, woman, child, dog, cat, horse and pig and on the door of every home on this pathetic little mudball planet, and you’ll have world peace, I promise you.

Frankly, world peace won’t do you much good with the asteroidal mass coming in. I’ve timed it perfectly so it will come down in the water, making a big “Cccuuuuusssshhhh!” sound. I am the Cushmaker!

Send for your Godd™ Particle today! Send your donation to help me carry on the comedy attack on our #1 National Disgrace! Make fun of this creep! Make plenty jokes, make him the butt of every joke!

Send Your “Stop Donald!” Donation Today!

Stop Donald Cold with this Godd™ Particle! Don’t leave home without it!

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s now too late, far too late, to make friends with the fascists — once they start chanting things like “Send her back!” and “Lock her up!” and other violent actions toward minorities, the game is up.

There’s nowhere to run, so prepare to use what you learned in Team Fortress II and Diablo II — stay out of trouble, try not to get hurt, try not to hurt anyone else.

I’ve just found a wonderful Galco Miami Classic 2 Shoulder Harness for a Walther PPK that is just beautiful, and I’m asking Claude to make a model of it for our latest 3D shooter!

Hey, the Golden Rule of Jesus Christ is now very clear, according to the Gospel of Trump — “Do unto others, before they have a chance to do unto you!”

That’s the only rule from now going forward. As Beetlejuice puts it, “Come to think of it, there are no rules.”

So the battle begins. The gloves are off. The Gas Chambers are just around the corner from here. Stay out of trouble, but don’t let the bastards grind you down! Live free or die is the motto of New Hampshsire — it’s on the state quarter. If you want one in a silver bezel, they run $39.95 retail, which is a big fat $20 bucks to you, and that’s with a sterling silver bezel and bail loop! You’ll have to ask for it at the morning meeting or on the forum chat!

Remember the Warsaw Ghetto!

See You At The Top!!!
