Have You Had Enough?

I had considered putting the chanting crowd video here from last night’s Trump Rally, but I don’t want to repeat the offense, and I definitely don’t want to elevate it in any way shape or form to a level of recognition.

On the other hand, if you missed it, you have a big surprise coming.

The crowd chants “Send her back!” and this is growled and shouted and chanted at the ugly racist Republican Nazi Party “Rally” toward a duly elected American Congressperson, Rep. Ilhan Omar. Thus Donald J. Trump urges the crowd to violate Federal Laws against discrimination.

Hey, make no mistake, the Republican Party has been eaten alive by the Nazi Party. The KKK is now part of our Federal Government, forming a real “Deep State”, not a fake Trumpian whine and whimper.

Not only is the chanting crowd utterly powerful, unstoppable and totally dangerous to the health and safety of the targets — people of color, LGBT folks, non-Europeans and yes, even we Jews — or is it “us Jews”? Continue reading