Life in a Box Chapter 20

I’ll bet you know at least three people who have confessed to you that they think they may have lived in ancient Egypt.

Apart from the thousands or millions who are convinced they lived as Cleopatra, who lived a terrible and tragic life that nobody would deliberately walk into unless they were devoted to power and luxury, most of the returnees you’ll be likely to meet today will be online, including you.

That’s a tremendous advantage. In the very recent past, if you said you had lived before this life, you could be put away in Mother Johnson’s Home for the Criminally Bewildered.

Today, nobody thinks you’re crazy except the occasional Republican and, because they’re unbelievers in the Trump Virus, they’ll stick with the cluster of human beings they’re standing around with on the beach, waiting for the return of spring break.

Ah, humans of Planet Earth — you know I love ’em. They’re supposed to learn to cooperate and get along with each other, that’s the whole plan, and maybe the Trump Virus will do the trick, get them organized and tolerant of one another.

Back in the Psychedelic Era, my friend and colleague Timothy Leary, M.D. advised folks who were able to remember their past lives, “You can be anyone, this time around”.

He was right.

You can be anyone not only this time around, but simply by dressing yourself in another Avatar, not just the clothing but the entire body.

Of course, the same body-mind combination exists, even if you’re not knowingly part of it — you assume the virtual Avatar is just a figment, so you don’t notice the details, and you studiously avoid knowing that the virtual world is as real as the actual world, and that everything alive in the virtual has its own life, not just the part of its life that you happen to observe.

Participation by you is not necessary in order for the life of the ashram to proceed, and that goes double for Planet Earth.

Don’t let the swords fool you — there’s nothing that can happen in the ashram that can hurt you, and no violence will occur.

The double swords are part of the Avatar, and they can be dropped when you’re in the character, along with the scabbards, but I wanted to show you the wide variations that can be achieved.

It’s still me, in there, but I look very different — I’ve even changed my name from Rappaport to Fronkenstone.

You can use this startling character and others like it to produce exciting and curiosity-provoking graphics for your InstaGram and FaceBook illustrations.

Who hasn’t wanted to get out of body and go traveling around in the Astral Plane, but who knew it was actually a Boeing 727 outfitted for island hopping?

Well, that’s my travel bureau — you can hop a plane through the Astral Levels and even pilot your own plane through the Astral Plane.

There are so many ways to have an adventure, and in this aircraft, 50 Avatars can join you, going to some exotic far-off paradise where interesting folks await your arrival.

The whole idea is to provide a walkaround life filled with people with whom you can relate and share an adventure, share some time together.

Flying, boat racing, skiiing — yes, I’ll be putting the ski lift back in pretty soon, and you’ll be able to outfit yourself and ski down a long, long slope.

I don’t know if this button will get you any participants in an Out of Body or Afterlife Workshop, but it’s worth trying, only YOU take the screenshot with YOU in the photo, and if you don’t know how, take my workshop on social media to find out how.

Every kind of subject can be explored online, everything from button-making to how to cross a street safely.

For the crafts and music, you can use ZOOM. For the videos and video game environments, you can go directly into the online game engine, as in SECOND LIFE and DIABLO 2 and of course, with some knowledge of how computers and internet connections work, Godd™ Games of any description.

With Godd™ Games multiplayer modes, a thorough understanding of routers is necessary, and it helps if you understand how a server works and the function of drivers, and maybe a dash of rocket science.

Perhaps you remember this question appearing on the back of every comic book and magazine you ever read back in the fifties?

Perhaps you weren’t around in the fifties. Well, you saw this everywhere, and at one point, your curiosity HAD to get the better of you, and you’d send away for the FREE pamphlet and before you knew it, you’d signed up for a 24 week course in … what?

Nobody really knew — it was sort of ancient and mysterious, and they left it that way in teh ads, and nothing really changed when you got the $3 a pop home learning lessons.

I didn’t sent away for them — they sent them to us gratis, because they advertised in our science fiction magazine, Galaxy, and I ended up with the home study lessons, the first of which was a magnet, piece of cardboard and a bottle full of iron filings.

This came in the mail, and you were to perform the experiments and respond to questions about it, then they’d send you the next lesson.

I never did see lesson two.

This is actually a playable game that I invented and put up for sale on zazzle, but so far, nobody has gotten it — not a big deal, it’s just the market, and it’s not hot for new games that look somewhat like a dark sciences version of Monopoly.

Well, that’s what it is, a Bardo Run around a board, with Bardo Bucks for money and two sets of Randomity Cards, four Portals taking the place of railroads, and Tarot taking the place of the Electric Company and the Gas Company.

It’s all very derivative, but it gets the play centered around Bardo issues, so it works for me.

How about this button on your political commentary?

If you think about it, no President can stay in the White House for longer than their lifetime, so there’s nothing to get hung about.

It’ll all be over before you know it.

The Trump Virus is visible in this photo, by the way, just hanging in a cloud formation above the building and trees in the background.

My choke collar is an ANTI-VIRUS charm that I made for myself in Second Life — attend the Builder’s Class offered by Uncle Claude and you can share in the secret of how these are made and how they work.

How about them apples? I can’t afford a luxury stretch limo in actual life, but in Second Life, I have several, one for every day of the week, and then some.

What I mean is, I also own several collector’s cars, all of which can be operated in Second Life, and all of which I do drive from time to time.

The driving experience is totally different in each.

My personal preference is the Chief Chain-Driven RARE motorcycle I ride on the racetracks.

You can make and buy RARE and UNIQUE items in the Second Life Marketplace, and the most interesting of those might well be the fashions, although the house designs are also a big income-producer for me.

I can earn hundreds of U.S. Dollars in a single month — I’ve done it before, and if pressed, I can do it again — not in the ashram, but by using my long-disused marketplace store for the purpose.

Naturally, I’ll put up some corresponding in-game shops to give them credibility and context.

I will start out to do in the next few days, given the time and energy to do it. One thing I definitely want to illustrate with examples is how to use an in-game shop to sell things that people will want for their Avatars and for their home space, and YOU are going to learn how to design those things from FULL PERM mesh — it’s easy, once you know how.

This side-wheel New Orleans riverboat is one of my favorite models — it belches smoke from those stacks and looks GREAT on the river, and it can be run with passengers, too.

I have a number of New Orleans clubs and restaurants, including Court of Two Sisters and some of the other better-known food spots in The Quarter.

You can travel up-river as far as Lake Ponchartrain all the way to Slidell and up into the bayou, if you like.

Of course, you’ll have to wait until I put that scene back up — I can only do so much with what I’ve got.

This is a variant on the night street scene you saw  before, but I wanted to include it just because it has that idea of “making it through the night”.

You could use this kind of thing as a button in social media, and it would bring a large number of folks, which I know from personal experience personally experienced.

I did it a couple of months ago, and it drew 38,000 views, so I know it’s good as a button.

Sometimes one you think just HAS to work, won’t. This one I thought wouldn’t, and it did.

How many people really give a damn about the next level?

You’d be surprised. Why not put up a button like this and see the result you get? I’m sure you will be happily amazed.

But what do you do when people show up in your ZOOM meeting about the next level?

Well, you open up the discussion, and sit back and let them thrash it out themselves, stepping in only when the conversation comes to a screeching halt.

You’ll learn when to speak and when to shut up.

This button attracted a nice crowd for a workshop on some of the more uncomfortable aspects of death and rebirth.

It wasn’t for the squeamish — we meant it.

The Barbarian who hosted the series of meetings in the ASHRAM is this gentle lady of the lake in the screenshot above.

Keep in mind that that creature is still me — I just altered my shape and of course my attitude for the purpose of running her as the hostess of the workshop.

Getting people to a workshop is a lot easier if they’re stuck in a box and can’t get out, so there’s SOMETHING good about the Trump Virus!

This might be a little too complicated for a button, but I made it anyway, in the spirit of experimentation.

The floor is common to Roman architecture, particularly of the villa variety. The house is one that I offer to those who elect to have their own Roman Holiday Space in Second Life.

You rent the space, and I built on it with literally thousands of U.S. Dollars worth of items, which I’m licensed to resell — Second Life is very involved in social economics.

This Time-Travel area is one that I especially like.

You can not only travel in time, but in space, visiting virtually every major known large city in the world.

I have a town-house virtually everywhere, and actually hardly anywhere.

Furnishings are easy to make, if you know the secrets, and they can be learned at Builder’s Class, which is a great way to spend two LIVE hours in the Ashram with Uncle Claude as he teaches and demonstrates the basic building skills of Second Life.

Knowing those skills can help — I use what I learned in Second Life all the time in Godd™ Levels.

You can use your Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram screenshots to get your point across in social media — here, I’m making the point that women make powerful and effective executives, including Presidents and Vice Presidents and Speakers of the House and Senators and Representatives and grocers and bakers and donut-makers.

Yeah, there’s a world out there that can be tickled and prodded with the use of clever graphics, and you can definitely create those in the ashram, even if you’re not skilled at building.

There are literally thousands of scenarios in the ashram, and surely some of them could be of use to you as you learn to rebuild your life in virtual reality.

This button worked for me in a predictive space, where I operated a fortune-telling character, but it could equally well be an advertisement for a workshop or a meeting or just a way of selling a great pair of virtual earrings or a Designer Hat.

This model is also me, dressed to sell clothing and jewelry.

This character is very successful as a model, and you’ll find her at my boutique near the Egyptian setup, which you can get to through the Green Egg Teleporter which you’ll find just outside the Temple on the main ground floor.

The water behaves like water. You can swim in it, sail in it and run a speedboat on it or a submarine under it.

I have a submarine, and it takes up to ten passengers on an undersea cruise past the Atlantean Ruins.

Meet me in the next chapter for more about this.

See You At The Top!!!
