Corona Killer


I’m thinking of writing an “emotional release” type game, something like what I did in protest to what happened to Princess Di, with our game Paparazi, which garnered some 3,000,000 — that’s three MILLION — downloads, and that was just on its first day!

The NAME of the game is literally worth a million dollars, but I’m not after money.

Here’s what I’m hoping for:

  • A way to give YOU some power over the virus.
  • An emotional release.
  • A feeling of empowerment.
  • A way to earn some money during the time of no-job.
  • A method of dealing with the despair.
  • Some way to compartmentalize the fear.

So the game offers a killing field overworld with an underworld complex entered through a variety of portals, tunnels and shafts, where the enemies are Alien Viral Nanobots who give no mercy.

There’s nothing like feeling helpless against an invisible enemy like the Corona Virus, and you want to hit back, smash them, destroy them before they get everyone in sight.

Go ahead, and GET those little offworld alien bastards! Here’s your chance! Feeling helpless? Impotent? Outraged? Well, DO something about it! Fight back!

Smash them, destroy them, blow them to smithereens! I’ve filled the Underworld with hundreds and maybe thousands of vicious, evil almost unbeatable viruses, in an ever-ascending level of challenge, plus a bunch of horrible Hell Hounds, Viral Bats and other monsters, all of which are thoroughly evil and deserve death, so deal it out for the sake of vengeance, not to mention personal amusement and challenge!!!

There are three levels of difficulty — “Heck”, “Darn” and “Gee Whiz”.

Just kidding — it’s the usual, NORMAL, NIGHTMARE and HELL, what you’re used to in the Bardo Safaris, same idea, same skills, same strategy — go for the NEAREST threat first, and be prepared to get jumped from behind, that’s how I made the game!

You will start with only a few enemies at a time, but it will soon develop into a battle to save your Avatar from rip & ruin, although when — and if — you DO die, you respawn in the same dungeon, so nothing is lost except a little time and of course a slight reduction in self-esteem.

Just kidding about the Self-Esteem, I hope.

Always good advice to share your resources — it’s what Cuomo is advocating by sending things where they’re needed NOW, and re-deploying them to other hot-spots as needed, not as anticipated.

Anticipating leads to stockpiles and you’ll note that the federally stockpiled ventilators don’t actually work. They’re broken. Useless. 50,000 of them sitting in a warehouse doing nothing, but that’s the Trump Administration in a nutshell.

Nutshell is the word I want.

Gosh, “Nutshell” describes Trump exactly and to the letter. Hey, there’s nothing like ignoring things until they get right in your face and explode.

That leaves you feeling helpless. There’s nothing you can do except isolate in the ACTUAL world, but in the VIRTUAL world, you’re not helpless at all — there’s a word for people like you — “gamer”. Don’t get mad, get even. Kill those virtual virus bastards dead, dead, deadski.

The  VIRTUAL VIRUS UNDERWORLD would be filled with totally evil viruses of various kinds and descriptions — they can bump you to kill you, or fire missile weapons at you, and you have your usual magical weapons, bladed weapons and of course the old standby, the rocket launcher.

The viruses would have a gradient of “hits-to-kill” from one hit needed by you to kill the monster all the way to 12 hits to kill, which would be a LEVEL BOSS.

They’re also graded in degrees of intelligence, from “DUMB” to “EXTREMELY SMART”, but don’t worry, just the dumb ones will attack you at the start.

It’s only later that you’ll be confronting giant horrible dripping foul disgusting virtual virus lords, and by that time, you’ll have a good idea how to go about killing them dead.

Sure, I have Level Bosses in there, what did you expect? Level Bosses are an integral part of any storyline game, and that’s what this is, even though you can take it as a straight shooter. You can sneak your way around or blast through, depending entirely on your style of play and combat skills.

There are plenty of NPCs — Non-Player Characters — in there to give you good or bad advice and often tangled and twisted helpful hints and map orientations and what to expect in the next Level.

In short, like the Trump government, you can’t believe a word they’re telling you.

On the other hand, if you know your game, you’ll just blast on through and kill as many as you can.

Kill them all and you win the game. Can’t leave even one teeny-weeny virus alive.

Well, actually, they’re not “alive” in the bacterial sense, but they’re alive enough to kill your ass and eat you for dinner and spit you out on the sidewalk. Don’t hate them — just kill them. This game is very simple.

Kill All Viruses.

Kill them dead, every single one of them.

So the idea is that you shoot those evil things everywhere they appear, and their goal is to attack you and destroy your world, which is of course the usual motivation in these super-hero games.

The game ends when the GIANT GREEN CLOUD comes down,  when all those SILENT BUT DEADLY particles descend by the trillions upon the Earth, let loose by YOU after you’ve fought your way to the CONTROL ROOM, where you find the BUTTON that releases the gas everywhere, killing all remaining viruses that might linger in the area.

Since the GIANT SILENT BUT DEADLY FART was set off by you, naturally you’re not bothered by the delightfully flowery fragrance descending all around you, causing everything and everyone to pass out cold, excepting you.

Within moments, every trace of the virtual virus is gone. Of course, this has no known or recognized effect on the ACTUAL virus, just the VIRTUAL virus that you find in-game.

Is There Any ACTUAL WORLD Effect?


Of course there’s an actual world effect. YOU WON.

Look, you’re acting out a magical formula, called an AFFIRMATION, but you’re also TAKING CONTROL OF THE SITUATION, something you can’t do in your everyday life, but here, in the VIRTUAL WORLD, you CAN take control and own it.

By so doing, you take back control, recover your lost balance, get the nerve to fight another day filled with interesting things, never bored, never in despair.

You need something to fill you with hope, resolution and inner strength, and there’s nothing like killing a million viruses to make that happen. You need some skills to get some satisfaction at a job well-done. Go head, kill them dead. Blast a thousand into tiny bits, get even with them, wipe them out to the last germ.

You’ve got that.

Is there a physical effect on your body or in your environment as a result of playing this game?

Well, I dunno — I do know that MY body feels better when I feel relaxed, safe and comfortable, and playing a game like that definitely sets me just a little more free, gives me a sense that I have something to do about it, gains me some strength in the “will to live” department, takes down some of the despair and helpless rage that builds when you see millions die needlessly.

I don’t have to point out to you that, had Trump allowed testing in the first place, none of this would have been quite so bad — as it is, the death-toll will be far greater than anyone suspects.

So, will playing this game change your life? Yeah, but define “your life”.

It won’t be anything like what you did B. C — Before Corona —  because nothing works like it used to. Where are you going to find a fair that people will be willing to risk death to attend?

What shop will you wander into with your stuff to sell? Where will you set up your yard sale or your roadside estate sale? Where will you get your customers?

Sure, everyone’s masked, but that’s only for the First Wave. By the Second Wave, they’ll realize that the masks don’t stop the spread of illness, they actually help it by giving the masked folks a false sense of security.

I have the PERFECT MASK, seriously — Claude and I know how to make an activated charcoal triple-banked breathing apparatus for about $120 a pop, lasts forever with a replaceable triple filter.

It’s not easy to breath through that thing, but boy, does it keep you safe! But a physical effect is not what we’re after here — it’s the emotional effect that really eludes treatment in this isolation Stay At Home environment.

Grief and Fear and Panic are as deadly as any virus.

Now, a PSYCHOLOGICAL and EMOTIONAL effect the virtual gaming environment definitely DOES have, which is why it’s technically called a “RELEASE” game — it releases pent-up emotional pain.

Grief is converted to a sense of joy as viruses bite the dust. There’s nothing like the sense of satisfaction you get when you spray a herd of enormous and threatening Virus Lords with the magical equivalent of millions of rounds of 9mm armor-piercing projectiles.

They can’t touch you when your projectiles are working. Of course, they CAN get overwhelming, so you need plenty of ammo, which you’ll find in handy dispensers all along your route to the FINAL BOSS, “Harkum the Flatlulent”, the deadliest enemy of them all, and the hardest to beat.

You’ll need several SPECIAL WEAPONS and the RIGHT AMMO to get those LEVEL BOSSES, and the FINAL BOSS is no exception.

The whole game is in the name — I’ve got it nailed, and am on my way to creating this game as soon as I’ve finished writing this blog.

In the VIRAL VIDEO GAME, you can SEE the giant viruses as they swarm around and attack from every side, and you can SEE THEM EXPLODE into a million pieces, when you blast them out of the air.

Keep doing it. You won’t get bored. There are dozens of different SIDE MISSIONS that you can go on, across many different gaming landscapes, and you will be EXHILARATED, not bored and you can play for HOURS without hitting a single repeated scene, unlike most 3-D shooter video games.

I’ve included some tough jumps and such for the advanced gamers, but those are in the advanced levels, not to worry if you’re new to gaming.

I start you off with the very basics, assuming you’ve never seen a video game before, and then we go on from there, in levels of increasing challenge, until even the most hardened and quickest video gamer will have some trouble dominating the Evil One.

Yes, Good and Evil abound in this game, and Good Shall Prevail — that’s our gaming goal.

Claude made the rather evil looking models, and they are ferocious, except two that I find rather funny and in some bizarre way, actually cute and potentially — with a little plush skin added — adorable.

Heck, I can see an AFTER-MARKET of plush-toy viruses coming right after the First Wave. A Viral Pet?

I betcha everyone’s going to be trying to figure out a brand-new way to earn a living on the internet, when they discover that it’s a permanent thing that they can’t go anywhere, and nobody gathers anymore, not even in a public park or on a beach or in a restaurant.

It’s all Take-Out Only, and that includes anything you make, sell or do, and there isn’t any shipping for non-essentials, and that also includes you.

You’re going to have to figure out how to stay alive by working in some way on the internet, and you have to figure out who will be able and willing to pay you anything for your services.

Nobody’s getting on this bandwagon except those already into social media marketing, and they are well-prepared for the world that’s coming next.

Right now most folks think they can get away with going out into a crowd if they’re wearing a homemade mask, but soon everyone will be able to see how downright dangerous that is, and will be, for years to come.

Of course, Trump offered this advice — “Use a heavy woolen scarf, it’s thicker and will protect you better.”

Yeah. Follow that kind of advice and you’ll wind up dead in a basket.

So What Can I DO???

This is the New Reality, and you need to get used to it, get over it, and get to work re-inventing yourself so you can earn enough to get by if you’re lucky.

I plan to make this game tonight. It won’t wait. I’ll try to release it by Monday. We’ll see how good that goes — I’m facing the overwhelming fact that I can’t write the game from scratch — too much time needed — so I’ll have to adapt one of my many shooters to the task.

I have a great name for the game, and anyone who wants to put some money behind it will NOT be disappointed!

You can RESELL the game and make a little chump-change — I don’t take anything out, just enough to cover costs of download and of course the license fees we pay for our models and textures and such.

We own all our own games, plus our super gaming Godd™ Engine and Editor, which create the worlds of Blue Line.

You can join the Blue Line Academy and learn to create 3-D games of all kinds, including shooters, travel, out of body games and more.

When it comes to trainers, nothing beats the virtual training system, and absolutely nothing even comes close to our spiritual gaming effects.

There is no smoother engine, no higher quality of image, no better combat system than the Godd™ Engine, and you can take that to the horses.

So there they all are — squatting on their haunches or lounging on their couches — and everyone is staying at home.

This is terrible for the retail shops, restaurants, barbershops and hip-hop dance palaces, but GREAT for the online retailer and online service provider.

We’re Both.

You can join one or more of our HUNDREDS of VIRTUAL CLUBS that meet in ZOOM, Second Life and other virtual venues.

You will meet many like-minded and friendly folks of all ages and description, who are there TO WORK ON THEMSELVES, and what better time than this?

You can’t just decide to go for a walk. There’s a protocol involved, and it will get harder and harder to casually do ANYTHING, particularly anything in PUBLIC.

There’s only one way to distribute anything, and that’s to make it worth YOUR while to help in the dissemination of your material and the growing of your online virtual business.

Okay, so you’ve got a WAREHOUSE full of rare objects of all kinds. What do you think you can do with that stuff now?

Nobody has any money. Nobody has a job, a future, anything to look forward to, so why would they want to accumulate something they don’t actually NEED TODAY?

Believe me — I’ve been here many millions of times before — it never works out to hoard precious objects, because at some point, those precious objects become worthless.

Oh, but how about gold and silver? Go find a metals exchange that’s open. Good luck. And of course, no matter how much stuff you’ve accumulated, it runs out sooner or later.

In addition to that, you have all those storage fees. Selling your junk won’t work when EVERYONE is selling their junk.

Even good stuff goes begging in this market, unless you can put that higher end stuff right in the faces of the Very Rich.

I don’t even know anyone who can afford a 17th century Rembrandt etching or would consider putting it up in the dining room — there won’t be any guests for a long, long time, and your family would be just as happy with a Xerox of the Rembrandt, if the frame were rich and gilded.

But then, where are you going to get a nail? The hardware store? Sure, but you take your life into your hands and risk getting stopped and frisked just to get there and back with your precious box of nails.

Worthless Shit

You’ve got a garage-full of stuff, 3 storage units full of stuff, and an attic full of stuff, and NONE of that stuff will ever be of use to you again — it’s all “Old School” from the Pre-Corona Time, which nobody will remember for very long.

What use anything that shows off your home? Oh, forget about SELLING your home — nobody wants it. There will be tons of houses available to the survivors, and no housing shortage for a long, long time.

Wait — there are some bumps ahead. History never happens along a straight line, and that’s certainly the case for THIS history.

Every level has its own history. The same things always happen, no matter who’s in charge. It’s like getting to the Throne Room before you get to Baal.

If you don’t know what THAT means, you’ve been missing an important part of your essential spiritual training, the Bardo Safari.

You want something to take up the awful slack? Bardo Safaris happen every day and almost every night, and more parties are forming as this crisis deepens.

In The Ashram

In the Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram, you can meet with up to 100 people behind the same number of Avatars.

You will recognize every single one of them, but apart from the VERY individual looks of each in-game Player, they’re also labeled, if you look at them.

The  world of Second Life is VERY sophisticated, and at some point, you’ll forget that it isn’t your daily reality, and that’s when the fun begins and you get some relief from the pain of everyday life.

Of course, we don’t shoot-em-up in the Ashram. Nothing bad happens here. In the Ashram you can join a number of groups engaged in a number of different activities, including Tai-Chi, our Ancient Dance Movements and of course a wide variety of subjects offered by our members.

In the event that you want a larger gathering, we have the capability of hosting an online convention with THOUSANDS of participants, which might be the new look for fan cons, such as Fantasy Cons, Sci-Fi Cons, History Cons and much, much more.

We are at the forefront of the virtual convention.

I’ve already built several VIRTUAL convention sites that can handle any crowd, and make them feel welcome and at home, and I can do this in several different styles, forms and virtual platforms.

There isn’t anything I can’t build with the Godd™ Engine, and the same goes true for Second Life, and I’ve developed games for both the PC and the Android, plus some general issue “gaming videos” like the ones in my Dissolving Radiations Orbs.

YOU can get into this at the ground level, which means NO money, just WORK LIKE HELL, and the work is all online, which you need to do anyway, so it’s safe, at least on the physical healthcare level, meaning you don’t ship, don’t go out of your house to do the work, and there is no physical contact.

Now although there is no CONTACT, that doesn’t mean there is no CONNECTION. What I mean is, you can stay emotionally and intellectually connected even across the barrier between worlds.

Is This Really Going To Work???

There are dozens of really powerful business models involving sales and services provided online through virtual methods and with only electronic involvement.

In short, there’s no safer way to make a living in Corona World, the world of the Trump Virus.

If you want to set up your own meeting grounds in Second Life apart from the Ashram, I’m willing to design it for you — I already own over $10,000 worth of Second Life models, including Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Mayan, Han, Sung and Tan Dynasties,  Nara Period tea houses and more — you name it, I probably have it or know how to get it or build it myself.

Those are important skills in the World to Come.

You don’t have to acquire those skills the hard way. I teach classes in virtual world making and game balance, plus all the skills you need to actually MARKET and SELL your games, and some games can download in the MILLIONS, like mine.

Oh, both Claude and I teach building and game mastery in Second Life, and we can get you started making articles for the Second Life Marketplace, with over 1 million customers online per day!

Now, unless you sell the most popular stuff, you’re not going to make a million bucks from selling virtual objects, not even in as popular an environment as Second Life, but you CAN make a few hundred a month if you play it right — some people make it just on rentals.

You could set up a bunch of FULLY FURNISHED rentals in Second Life, and I have the perfect PRIVATE BEACH set up for the purpose of virtual meetings, including a gigantic CONFERENCE CENTER where you can give lectures, classes and have gatherings.

This is the way it was going, anyway.

I would like to introduce you to the world of virtual marketing, and if you want  a fast track in that direction, get in touch and we’ll work out a time, or I’ll direct you to an already existing group meeting, which will be in either ZOOM or Second Life, depending on the subject and needs of the group, plus of course personal preference.

Personally, I prefer the meeting space offered in ZOOM for things like painting classes, flute, guitar, drums, percussion — there is a difference — ukelele, kazoo, bass, blues harmonica and much, much more.

See? There’s no reason you can’t do the same with whatever skills you’ve got to share. So how much do you charge for your virtual classes?

I always go with “it’s a donation, whatever you feel you can easily afford”. It adds up, but it ain’t easy to make a living dollar by dollar, so I have some other ideas of things you can do that will help augment the already meager income.

Okay, so let’s figure out some additional things we can do online to make a living in these dangerous and cataclysmic times.

Don’t forget that EVERYONE’S lives have been interrupted — and that includes the top of the food-chain, the bankers and brokers and industrialists who live off the disposable “Great Unwashed”, the general public.

Keep in mind that the General Public is and will be as uninformed as possible. There is no way to get to the masses, forget about trying. But you do have a small, limited audience, and that audience is REACHABLE on the internet, if you only knew how.

It’s all about social media marketing. I’ve already written an entire book on the subject, and it will be available for download real soon, I’m told by T., who is my proofreader. She says it’s almost ready to go, so get your orders in now.

How much is it? Told ya, it’s what you feel you can afford, plus whatever you think it’s worth to you, but tempered by the affordability factor, see?

In short, whatever’s fair.

That’s what the hippies used to say on the street when selling incense, but they gave that up for Lent and went directly to straight panhandling, which you can’t do now, at least not in the traditional way, to get into the personal space of the donor and beg for mercy.

So how can you insert yourself in the food-chain of virtual world online gaming and gathering?

Well, SELL it, but there’s a catch. In order to interest ANYONE in virtual world solutions, you’ll have to convince them that it’s worth something to them RIGHT NOW, and that is best expressed as MONEY IN THE BANK, and that means MARKETING.

In the end, it all comes down to how popular you can be with the virtual world experience set, and that’s determined by how popular you are already, which might be zero.

If that’s the case, you need to either make yourself popular in the social media or make someone else popular, or invent a character to make popular, which works well if you have a problem putting your ego out there for all to admire.

Look, nobody sane or sensible wants to be famous, but you HAVE to build a brand and you MUST deliver a great product and you NEED to get endorsements from satisfied customers, but most of all, you need to RECRUIT OTHERS to join you and help you grow your business.

The only way you’re going to get help from others is to make it WORTH THEIR WHILE to help, which can be anything from cash in the bank to a feeling of satisfaction for helping others to overcome misery and suffering.

That’s why we’re here in the first place, to reduce the suffering.

So far, it’s not working out all that well, but we’re doing better every day — we have managed to salvage the work lives of 854 people so far — only 7.8 billion to go!

Just kidding. We’re not here to save the planet. Nobody can do that, and it doesn’t need saving. Planet Earth will be fine, when the humans have gone away for good.

So hop on the bandwagon with me, and let me show you how to make an ACTUAL living in a VIRTUAL world.

Here are some ways in which you can participate right now, today:

  • ICW — Workshops every Saturday and Sunday morning at 6:30 am Pacific Time.
  • MORNING MEETINGS — On ZOOM, everybody meets who can get there, even if it’s only for a short time, just to check in and say hello.
  • VIDEO GAMES — Play them, sell them, make them, invent them.
  • BOOKS — You can select from a zillion of our publications, and now you can’t explain away your lack of reading by saying you don’t have the time. That’s all you’ve got.
  • PRACTICES — There are a variety of daily practices that you can perform, including a series of exercises that transform your daily work into work practices.
  • CLINICS — Small workshops are called “clinics” and can be on all sorts of subjects.
  • CLASSES — Usually involving music, theater, dance, painting, sculpting, you name it, all sorts of skills and activities, held in ZOOM so the instructor can evaluate your work as you do it and give you instant feedback on what you need to do to improve your product.
  • MARKETING — Take advantage of all the things we produce that can be delivered — the most likely will be the digital products, of which there are several hundred that we make and deliver and download every single day. We have a constant flow of downloads and a very heft share of the niche marketplace “spiritual gaming”.

Of course, there’s more —  I expect that if you’re interested, you will pursue it further, and if you’re not, you won’t. I’ll leave it there. I’m off to create a virtual virus killing video game, and we’ll see about marketing it so everybody along the chain benefits.

I see it as a way of coping, but also of giving people some income opportunities, and I hope you’ll take steps to get this game into the hands of millions of frightened and helpless humans!

See You At The Top!!!
