Corona Killer


I’m thinking of writing an “emotional release” type game, something like what I did in protest to what happened to Princess Di, with our game Paparazi, which garnered some 3,000,000 — that’s three MILLION — downloads, and that was just on its first day!

The NAME of the game is literally worth a million dollars, but I’m not after money.

Here’s what I’m hoping for:

  • A way to give YOU some power over the virus.
  • An emotional release.
  • A feeling of empowerment.
  • A way to earn some money during the time of no-job.
  • A method of dealing with the despair.
  • Some way to compartmentalize the fear.

So the game offers a killing field overworld with an underworld complex entered through a variety of portals, tunnels and shafts, where the enemies are Alien Viral Nanobots who give no mercy.

There’s nothing like feeling helpless against an invisible enemy like the Corona Virus, and you want to hit back, smash them, destroy them before they get everyone in sight.

Go ahead, and GET those little offworld alien bastards! Here’s your chance! Feeling helpless? Impotent? Outraged? Well, DO something about it! Fight back!

Smash them, destroy them, blow them to smithereens! I’ve filled the Underworld with hundreds and maybe thousands of vicious, evil almost unbeatable viruses, in an ever-ascending level of challenge, plus a bunch of horrible Hell Hounds, Viral Bats and other monsters, all of which are thoroughly evil and deserve death, so deal it out for the sake of vengeance, not to mention personal amusement and challenge!!!

There are three levels of difficulty — “Heck”, “Darn” and “Gee Whiz”.

Just kidding — it’s the usual, NORMAL, NIGHTMARE and HELL, what you’re used to in the Bardo Safaris, same idea, same skills, same strategy — go for the NEAREST threat first, and be prepared to get jumped from behind, that’s how I made the game!

You will start with only a few enemies at a time, but it will soon develop into a battle to save your Avatar from rip & ruin, although when — and if — you DO die, you respawn in the same dungeon, so nothing is lost except a little time and of course a slight reduction in self-esteem.

Just kidding about the Self-Esteem, I hope.

Always good advice to share your resources — it’s what Cuomo is advocating by sending things where they’re needed NOW, and re-deploying them to other hot-spots as needed, not as anticipated.

Anticipating leads to stockpiles and you’ll note that the federally stockpiled ventilators don’t actually work. They’re broken. Useless. 50,000 of them sitting in a warehouse doing nothing, but that’s the Trump Administration in a nutshell. Continue reading