An Open Letter to Chuck Schumer

Left to Right: Bob Silverberg, van der Poel, Horace L. Gold, E.J. Gold

Hi, Chuck,
First off the bat, thank you for your service. I know how tough and dangerous it is even without a Mad King George in control. I don’t ever write letters — this is my second email in over two decades. I’m very, very retired.
I hope you’ll pardon the familiarity, but I feel that you are a friend, and I for one am glad you’re on the front lines of this battle, because it’s going to be literally the battle of the century — most of my family was lost in the First Holocaust and, yes, I’m expecting another one real soon now, if Trump’s followers have their way — let’s hope not.

I’m 79 years out of port and the docks are in sight. A quick scan on google will reveal that I’ve had my fifteen minutes many times over, and that I was in the thick of things for years, from Selma, Alabama to Bobby Kennedy’s New York campaign to the hippie movement and more; I was a Remote Viewer in the so-called “Arlington Witches”, and I did a three year gig on KHJ-TV with my pal Richard Dawson, worked with Bob Crane and wrote comedy for TV for about thirty years, and was in the record industry — my best friends were Harry Nilsson and Jim Morrison — I was Morrison’s next-door neighbor.
I’m also known in the Gestalt community and am an expert on NPD and other emotional issues which afflict “Mashed Potato-Head” Donald Trump. First of all, he can’t tolerate laughter, doesn’t understand that it’s not about him — which is the very core of his problem, as we all know. Reader’s Digest had it right — laughter is, indeed, the best medicine. Apparently, there’s an air-quality warning for sensitive people, and Trumpies are included in the list.

My first suggestion is, (I have only two suggestions ) find some way to boost the circulation of videos by Randy Rainbow — he has the power of persuasion in the old sense of the word. People CAN be swayed by song and comedy — ref: “Power of Song” with Pete Seeger.

My second suggestion is that you lean heavily on the fact that if McConnell KNEW Trump was going to win the election fair and square, he wouldn’t pull this stunt. Tell people that McConnell knows Trump is going to lose, and that’s why he’s doing this, THEN tell them how to combat it, ie; call Congress and give their representatives a piece of their mind, and follow it up with a letter.
Had I remained in Washington as a Remote Viewer in that activity, or on Broadway as a performer, we might have been lifelong friends. I moved to California and went into the film industry instead. As it is, do consider me your friend, if I’m not being too presumptive — you have a good heart and many other good qualities. My life-message is, “cooperation, not competition”, which some of my rapper friends have taken up as a battle-cry.

If there’s any way an old, long-forgotten mover and shaker, a Jewish kid from NYC, actually Stuyvesant Town, 14th & A. who still uses all-caps to replace italics, can be of service in this fight, please let me know. I’m blogging, podcasting, making video games like “Kremlin-Gate”, have painted a number of large canvases (was a member of the New York “Cedar Bar” School of Art and create backdrops for all the Marsalis kids, Herbie Hancock, Nancy Wilson and others, and have created Fine Art Masks for what it’s worth — what can you say to an anti-science tailgater???

I’ve also issued a very commercial Trump protest songbook & CD (Pete Seeger was my music teacher) which had a circulation of several thousand — I’d be happy to send you them if you like, or the PDF and audio files if you prefer — and I’ve been doing a comedy routine in full drag on the issue of Trump and Trumpism, as well as a standup comic’s views on the whole deal, in my book “Trump is a Four-Letter Word” (I don’t use obscenities, just logic). I’ve printed only 25 copies — don’t laugh, it’s what I could afford — and don’t expect much response, but there it is, it’s what I can do. Mark Twain’s “Connecticut Yankee” was actually about the postwar reconstruction in the South after the First Civil War — I’m assuming a lot here, but I have good data to support it. I have fifty books in print, and don’t need publicity or additional income. I’m very lucky that way, at least for the moment, all is well here.

I’m landing very small blows for freedom, but I do manage to land a punch now and again. I know I’m taking a hell of a risk, but I always have, and always will jump directly into the fray — it’s my style. This was supposed to be a short note. Thank you so much for your time and attention to my rambling missive — would have definitely been worse in long-hand cursive script.
Big hugs to you and your family — be safe, be happy, be well!
— E.J. Gold, ex-PFC Clerk-Typist Trainee MOS 006 AIS/ASA (RET)