Don’t Walk, Run!!!

You can’t change a single vote, and you’re stuck with whatever happens, because we’re all locked into the United States. Thanks to Trump and his Asshole Minions, they don’t want us in their shithole country.

He’s really done us proper, and he’ll pay the penalty at the ballot box, but he’s going to cheat, so the election really doesn’t matter.

Long live President Pelosi, but I digress. There’s a bad smell coming out of Washington, and I’m afraid it’s mirrored almost everywhere these days.

It’s time for the War Cycle again, sigh. This happens every single time, and I try to warn folks, but they can’t help it — they’re stuck in the bot brain.

Let’s review the situation:

I’m just a few days shy of 79 years out of port, with the docks well in sight. As a quick google search for “ej gold” will reveal, I’ve had more than my share of 15 minutes’ fame, something promised everyone by my father’s science fiction story illustrator, Andrew Warhola, who became known as “Andy Warhol”. I still have the original illios and no, they’re not for sale.

Fifteen minutes is not a long time, unless you’re onstage in the middle of a comedy routine and your memory is wiped clean — you can’t think of a single joke.

That’s how it is today, except that Trump has made a wildly stupid miscalculation. Even if he WINS the election, which is sadly possible, due to the profound stupidity of the Great Unwashed, meaning the uneducated stupids — I know, they’re upset because “egg-heads” look down on them.

That’s just paranoid drivel, but they really believe it.

So do the math — the House and Senate are both gonna be Democrat controlled. Hey, there’s always another impeachment trial and you know what ???

The Senate under new leadership can reopen the previous and add charges to it, and order a deeper investigation into the money trail and much, much more.

Trump thinks it’s unfair NOW???

Just wait until he steals the election. He’ll see a beehive buzzing with angry insects, swarming out to take their country back, and there’s no better way to arouse women by taking away the rights for which they’ve fought for a hundred years, and to take away the few rights that African-Americans and Latinos have tried unsuccessfully to wring out of the Federal government.

You think they’re scared and pissed off NOW??? My God, you have no idea what happens once you waken the Sleeping Giant that is America.

Michael Cohen is right – -it leads to RAGE, and that’s coming, and with a vengeance, on the Republicans, for stealing the election, for voter intimidation and for stupidity.

Yes, stupidity. If it weren’t for their stupid insatiable political greed for domination, they might be able to get away with this, but they won’t.

One thing all my gamer friends know about me is that I never allow a DOM — that’s a “Domination” — to stand.

Meaning I get my licks in plenty good, as soon as I resurrect from the dead.

Happens all the time, and I’ve gotten quite used to it — in fact, on respawn, I hardly miss a second’s tick.

Ask what happens when old Gorby goes wild on the bridge. You don’t have to ask — I’ve posted the result in many funny TF2 songs on youtube.

Post the links? What, are you kidding? You have a mind, use it.

So I’m lookin’ at the news, wondering what in the world the Democrats are up to, and then, suddenly, I realized — they’ve been doing this all along.

Back in Athens, the Democratic Athenian Senators were arguing while they were being cut down by Spartan Republicans.

Republicans Organize — Democrats Argue

One thing you’ll definitely notice about our modern “It’s deja vu all over again” version of the American Civil War — this will technically be “American Civil War III”, but most folks only know of one, “The War Between the States”, which was certainly NOT a civil war.

It was anything BUT civil, and frankly, Scarlett, I don’t give a f*ck.

That’s the new dialogue in the 2020 remake of “Gone with the Wind”,  which is a famous film about an old fart.

Anyhow, you’ll definitely notice that the Democrats are intensely interested in detail, while sweeping on to the Great Fallacy, while Republicans tend to think in bumper-stickers, and generally can’t decode messages with words of more than one syllable.

You can always tell that there’s a Republican walking behind you on the street, because you can hear his knuckles scraping on the ground.

On the average, a Republican is likely to find Gilligan’s Island intellectually challenging, and they prove it every day.

If the average Republican had an extra brain, he’d have one. Most Republicans could rent out their heads for a beach-ball.

Republicans didn’t used to be stupid, but now, if they’re not actually personally stupid, they’re associated with a huge group of millions and millions of anti-science assholes.

Yes, that’s the people Trump the Grump has hooked up to take him to fame and eventually to be torn apart by the same mob he stirred up — I’m not making this up, it’s in all the 37th century history textbooks I’ve ever read.

Speaking of reading, did you hear that the Trump Library burned down last night? Both books were destroyed and one of them, he hadn’t even colored yet.

Can you think of anything that will create the effect of a pot of water in a pressure cooker blowing off the lid, more than replacing the Notorious RBG (that’s Justice Ginsberg) with some political hack before the election?

That’s dirty fighting, and it makes we wonder if Mitch McConnell ever did anything honest. I’m already convinced that Lindsey Graham — I mean, of course Lindsay Graham — actually, come to think of it, I never even heard of the bastard until Trump the Grump started stepping on my neck — anyhow, I was always convinced that Graham was a sneaky crook with a penchant for violence, and by golly, I was right.

I hate being right about anything like that, but there it is. He’s a nasty little bug from Planet 10, and the faster he gets voted down the toilet, the better.

You want to drive Trump crazy? It’s a short drive. In fact, he’s already permanently parked there.

But if you really want to get under his skin and totally destroy his sleep as he’s done to your peace of mind, there’s a way to do it, and I PROMISE it works.

How can I promise you that it works? Trump is classic NPD, and that means totally predictable.

He can be easily manipulated by flattery and praise. He’ll sign up with anyone who likes him. Of course, nobody does, but lying has legs with a liar.

What would drive Trump the Grump crazier than a loon?


Picture a huge crowd, the biggest there ever was, assembled at the Lincoln Memorial — I’ll be there with a camera, you can be sure — and there’s Trumpy standing there maskless and ugly as sin.

The crowd starts to laugh at him, and keeps laughing, and laughing and laughing, relentlessly, laughing and laughing and laughing.

He’ll go ape-shit, like he did when they laughed at him at the United Nations, when he told them how amazingly amazing he is, and what a good job he’s done as President.

Who could keep a straight face on that one?

Oh, I forgot — Lindsay or Lindsey or Linseed Graham clearly could. Mitch McConnell, who knows whether he’s laughing or not — he always looks like a turtle in gastric distress, kind of like actor Tony Randall, who always looked as if he were smelling a fart.

Watch a few minutes of him on youtube — you’ll get it immediately. I don’t kid around about comedy.

Comedy is a serious and deadly weapon. You can bring down the biggest bully on the planet with laughter.

They don’t get it. They just don’t understand what “funny” is, and they have no funny bone, no appreciation of humor, and if you tell them a joke, no matter how funny it might be to thousands of others, it won’t be funny to a bully.

Trump is a bully. He cheats. He lies. He steals, and he commits Treason by selling us out to the Russians — not that I blame him, he’s just a tool of Moscow Mitch McConnell and he’s ultimately a bot, which means there’s nothing inside his head that would interest a zombie.

My best response to all this bullshit and fracking nonsense is to ignore it except to note it and make commentary on it, because comedy is how I make a living these days.

I’m forced indoors by Trump’s Virus, and I have to do something, because he wiped out my retirement fund, took away my medical benefits, and left me jobless and unable to help support my family and household.

So, f*ck him, what am I going to do, cry? Hell, no. I get up on my feet again, I put on my high heels, and I get in front of a podcast camera and I tell the world what I think of Trump and what an asshole he is.

It’s not much, but I make a living.

I suggest you do the same. Of course, the moment he’s out of the picture, either through the electoral process or by some force of nature, the job isn’t over — you just have a different comedy target.

If that comedy target happens to be Uncle Joe, he’s likely to invite you to the White House to perform your satire for him — he has one hell of a sense of humor.

Those two are POLAR in every way, and make a classic “Good Avatar vs. Evil Avatar” combination, something like what you see in “Big Trouble in Little China”, although the outcome of a second term for Trump would look more like “Red Dawn” — Putin is ready to send in reinforcements, if the National Guard or the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard all refuse to shoot down peacefully protesting civilians.

Shhh…Trump the Grump doesn’t know it, but he’s a PUBLIC SERVANT, not the Peoples’ Boss, or the King of the World.

I’d like to continue this rant, but it’s breakfast time, and I’m never going to allow Trump or any of his violent and outlandish buddies to deter me from my morning meal.

See You At The Top!!!
