$1 Dollar, No Reserve

If you get the VAX, you turn into a zombie. Everybody knows that.

Yep, there it is in a nutshell. One dollar to open, no reserve, no gimmicks, no kidding. Time to find out, as an artist, if what you’re producing isn’t even worth a dollar to some kind hearted supporter.

But that’s exactly what IS going to happen to your ego if you attempt this Highly Spiritualized Daily Practice, and that’s the theme of my newest latest adventure on eBay, under the seller-name, RareAndUnusual, and you’re invited right now to come take a look at my treasures, lavishly displayed on my eBay seller’s store page, just as folks could be doing at yours, right now.

You could be doing the same thing I’m doing, and making passive cash in this very lucrative and exciting side-hustle.

I’m not in it for the money, although it’s definitely “easy” money. I’m in it for you. I want to show YOU how YOU can be creative, stay competitive, and work safely from home.

So let’s get started on the basics — the subtle stuff will reveal itself as you penetrate the Mysteries of the Mazeum. Okay, first of all, you’ll need several setups —

  1. An eBay seller’s account. The cheapest level is good enough to get you going, then it’ll be about $30 a month, once you make some sales.
  2. A youtube creator’s account. You’ll need to have some video equipment, too, or at least a camera on your laptop for your zoom meetings, which you’ll need to attend.
  3. A Zoom account where YOU can host a meeting, so a pro account.
  4. A MetaMask wallet.
  5. About $100.00 worth of Ethereum in your MetaMask wallet.
  6. An OpenSea.io creator’s account.
  7. Paint or PhotoPea photoshop on your system.
  8. An outboard hard drive to store your graphics away from your C drive.
  9. A FaceBook account.
  10. An InstaGram account.
  11. A Godd™ Games “Pro Game-Maker”
  12. A Second Life account.
  13. Art Supplies or a talent for virtual art in photoshop.
  14. A circle of friends.
  15. A set of graphic illustrations directories and a sense of organization, to keep your graphics easily at hand for order fullfilment.

You might  want to add several more items along the lines of social media and personal contact with groups. You might also have some skills in crowd-funding. Use them.

Those are the basic basics — there’s more, but why scare yourself at this point?

So the next thing you’ll  need to learn is how to create a NFT that can also be sold as a SIGNED print.

Dredge up all your artistic powers, or get into the Ashram or into a Godd Orb, (press the F4 button on your keyboard to take a screenshot, which stores itself in the Godd directory under “snaps”, and go ahead and take a bunch of selfies as several different characters.

Then teach yourself to create artwork from this that is worthy of purchase.

Put that artwork up on eBay just as I have, at $1 Dollar No Reserve, and sell it at whatever price it brings.

You can easily tie your eBay offerings in with your NFT marketing, put it all on your social media platforms, and sit back to collect the money, because you will.

Here’s the deal — you don’ t have to make a killing on the individual prints. They’re just the bait  to get the thing done. Over a period of time, you’ll make money on the plus side, then merely use that jumpstart to work your way into the bigger fish pond with the bigger fish.

That’s not so simple, but it is the foundation of my NFT marketing classes and workshops, and just such a workshop is coming up fast — in December.

It’s not just artwork. It’s music. It’s theater. It’s dance. It’s literature and so much more. There isn’t anything you can’t put into this program, all the way from a subatomic particle to an exploding galaxy.

Speaking of galaxy, I’ll be publishing my sci-fi readings in this same way — you can buy the thing, and you can, for another $20 bucks or so, get the corresponding NFT — they’re all priced at .01 Eth.

Of course, if the Eth goes up into the megabuck range, the cost of my NFT will be a LOT more, and that’s what some folks are banking on.

Keep in mind that a NFT can be sold for Eth, but there’s no guarantee of a buyer, unless YOU find one!

That’s the whole key. How big is YOUR circle? How many people do YOU influence? That’s the help from which on you I’m counting.

Spread the word.

See You At The Top!!!
