A New Beginning


That’s right, a new beginning, and that’s what it’s going to take to get through this next year’s Work Intensives, Workshops and Clinics.

We’ll be exploring a whole new spiritual technology.

First on the list is the Guardian Angel Amulet, the most popular ammy I’ve ever produced. It is simply amazing, but you’ll have to read the testimonials for yourself!

Secondly, I’ve made a few Guardian Angel Pendants, Earring Sets, Bracelets, Rings and other items of daily use — they’ll do well as a reseller item, or a premium for one of your clients when they make a major purchase or commission, or you might think of other uses for these delightful products of my studio workshop.

All the items mentioned here were made by me, generally to demonstrate the techniques, which are available just for the asking. I will teach anyone who wants to learn, like it says in the song.

You can order the songbook, if you don’t happen to have it — it’s called “Gorby’s Songbook” and is available now. It’s been spiral-bound, so it lies flat on a music stand and yes, I use a music stand.

Who the hell can remember all 650 songs I supposedly know? I remember, actually remember enough to sing all the way through, maybe a thousand songs, which isn’t all that many, really.

I know some singers who can instantly recall thousands of songs, almost all of which were on the hit parade or top ten, top forty or number one with a bullet, at one time or another.

When our songs were on the top ten and top forty lists of the online music providers, we didn’t sell any more than we did when we weren’t.

All statistics are wrong. No, let me restate that: ALL statistics are wrong.

So those are the first two things you’ll want to know about, but what’s the third thing? There’s always a third thing, isn’t there???

Yes, there is.

So thirdly, you’ll want to try the “Shadow Angel” pendant, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. The Shadow Angel works in the Third Bardo — you’ll find his domain in “BardoTown” when the Shadow Edition is released this spring!

If you are a member of the “Forever Club”, you get this automatically in the mail, along with other newly introduced GODD Engine® Orbs and Missions, but if you have the complete set of ALL Orbs in the SLAB Edition, you already know that.

The Fourth Major Breakthrough this week was the THUNDERBOLT — the Vajra Stones.

Oh, boy, are you gonna like these, and so will your customers! It’s a lightning bolt on a white field, surrounded by observer entities.

It’ll remind you of home.

Before the Big Bang there was a bolt of energy, pure energy, which suddenly exploded into what you see now — an enormous universe filled with space, time, energy, matter and spirit, but usually we leave out that last item when talking to an ape descendant.

If you’re not altogether certain which level of subspecies you’re chatting with at the moment, I’d suggest you confine your conversation to sports, weather and any news that’s not political.

The Vajra or Thunderbolt can be used for healing, luck, charisma or anything that requires a sudden and unexpected repair, something for which nothing less than a miracle will do.

That’s the specialty of the Vajra Thunderbolt, and it has a variety of manifestations, including Pendant, Ring, Earrings, Bracelet, Bolo Tie & Tips and much, much more.

If you need an extraordinary boost, the VAJRA THUNDERBOLT should be your choice. You have the option of getting one from me, or making it yourself — the only difference will be the workmanship, the cost, the look and, of course, the total effect.

I have on hand several dozen VAJRA stones for healers and body workers. They can be used in much the same way as you’d use a WAND or Healing Sphere or Holy Crystal.

Speaking of Holy Crystals, I have some in stock, and I’m ready to wrap them in wands and other applications of The Crystal Force, which is a piezo effect that you’ll want to have in your repertoire of magical Power-Ups.

Speaking of Magical Power-Ups, have I mentioned the Overthruster?

It plugs in between your Crystal Grips and your SuperBeacon, and leaves you hands-free to operate controls on an Orb Run, take notes or perform The Movements, Healing, Guitar Practice or any other activity where hands are needed.

I don’t mean to imply that there’s an optimum condition of life where hands are NOT needed, and I’m sorry if I gave that impression. Hands are very useful.

How would you like to be a two-legged dinosaur, get all the way up the evolutionary ladder only to discover that you couldn’t bang on a keyboard because your claws were too sharp?

Well, I’ll betcha that has happened to you plenty of times, and until you catch wise and smarten up, you’ll be caught by that old fish trap a million more times.

Pardon me while I laugh.

I often laugh when I see something absurd, don’t you? I mean things like driving past a line of sixty or seventy cars sitting in a driveway waiting for their turn at the Starbuck’s Window.

A drive-through shop would work for me, but I’m not sure what I’d sell there. Perhaps a candle set for the altar?

Maybe a drive-through version of a Past Lives Regression Booth? Possibly a drive-through upper colonic? That’s got possibilities for a nation-wide network of owner-operated colonic therapy franchises, if the waiting time doesn’t snarl up the works.

I’m surprised more folks have not ordered the rings — I’m selling the sterling silver cast rings for a lousy $50 bucks, and that includes the stone and the setting.

That’s a bargain even a non-jeweler can understand and appreciate. There’s not a lot of room in a ring for profit, but it makes a walking advertisement for your product and your shop.

Think of your earrings as a diminutive form of “Sandwich Board” and you get the idea. Every customer is a potential advertiser for you, just by wearing your stuff around town.

I wanted to mention the healing powers attributed to the VAJRA Pendants, Rings, Amulets, Talismans, Brooches, Pins, Earrings, Bolo Ties and other items fashioned from or with the VAJRA items.

Each and every one of the VAJRA stones is individual and unique — there are no two alike. Each and every VAJRA stone has powerful spirit healing forces that are concentrated and funneled through the VAJRA stones.

Your hand gestures will control the flow. Learn these at a healing clinic or workshop.

Use the secret VAJRA mantra to release the energy. Learn this at a healing clinic or workshop.

Use the telepathic COMMAND to cease the action. Again, this can be learned at any of our healing workshops or clinics.

You can use your UFO chocolates as a giveaway for special clients. In the shop, I would consider offering FREE chocolate treats to anyone who will promise to vote in the next election.

Republicans vote out of fear and superstition. Democrats don’t vote — it’s too dangerous to show up alone at the polls, unless you’re white and you’ve got that “Born Again” haircut.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down. A daily feed of crisis is what eventually blunts the attention, but you’re not gonna let that happen, are you?

Good, very good. That’s a fine first step toward Higher Consciousness.

Higher Conscience doesn’t come as cheap. It’s not what you take away, it’s what you leave behind.

It all starts at the EJ Gallery, and YOU can join the party at $25, $50 or $100 contribution per month!

Each level gets you a bigger and bigger display space.

I send you raw rocks and you paint them and send them back. I mount them as jewelry or as sculptural displays on birch bases, and place them in your gallery space.

Anything that sells goes through the standard sales thingy — all the profits are yours — you’ve already contributed to the gallery with your monthly, but if you want to add to it, you can direct some part of the profit toward the Institute.

Did you know that for your birthday you can get Amazon to give us a donation? Find out how, from anyone here — they all know the secret.

So if you’re not part of the gallery crew, why the hell not???

This is how you get into The Work. There is some effort required on your part. It doesn’t just land in your lap by itself.

So get on the phone or message me and tell me you’re on the boat and you’re ready to help paddle her upstream.

I’d like to hear from you today!

See You At The Top!!!
