Beta Blocker Meditations

Meditation can be achieved in a variety of interesting ways.

Diablo 2 is not the only way to set up a Beta-Brain Block. Just in arm’s reach, you’ll find a variety of other “weapons” in the War Against Sleep, notably meditation, but there’s a catch — which meditation are we talking about?

Just like aliens, there’s not just one single breed, no single source of origin, panspermia — the idea that ALL life originated in one single spot and spread throughout the galaxy.

Sure, it could happen in some galaxies, but not all, but forget about galaxies for the moment — let’s talk about YOU.

Meditation has many faces, many forms, but let’s just take a glance at one of them for the moment — Relaxation Meditation, meditation that you do in order to rest and relax without going napping.

In general, we don’t associate snoring with meditation.

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