Corona is a Cigar

Remember when “Corona-Corona” was a fine Cuban cigar? Probably not — it was before Castro even played baseball. The virus doesn’t know borders and doesn’t respect bullies. It goes where it will, and when it will.

One of those places was evidently someone in or around the President and Vice President during yesterday’s festivities at the CDC, and they tested positive.

This doesn’t necessarily mean anything — the test can be wrong, lots of other factors, but it puts us in mind of the fact that if those two old bastards in the Oval Office aren’t careful to observe “Social Distancing”, we might end up with a woman President — Nancy Pelosi — think about it. If they get too sick to do their jobs, she steps in and wham! We have our first woman President, if only temporarily until the two elderly gents recover from the flu.

This is of course pure speculation having little basis in fact, but it IS possible, and therefore the PRUDENT businessperson takes note of the possibility and prices it into the market, however improbable it may seem. Continue reading