ZOOMSHOP – Make a Celtic Spiral

Start winding your spirals at the BOTTOM of the wire.

Start winding your spirals at the BOTTOM of the wire, not the top. You will put a hanging loop at the top later on, but NOT NOW.

Take hold of the wire GENTLY with your needlenose pliers, and slowly and gently COAX the wire into a spiral shape by moving it SIDEWAYS to form the first spiral. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Sell Jewelry Online!

Copper Earrings with Gold-Flashed French-Style Surgical Steel Ear Wires.

To begin with, an unorganized and messy studio will have a powerful impact on your ability to produce items for the marketplace. If you don’t care what you make or how it turns out or  whether it ever gets actually worn, you have no problem working in a junkpile, but if you want to know what resources you have, and you want those resources to be findable, you’ll have to make some decisions about how your workbench will be arranged and what places on the workbench will do what jobs. Continue reading