Horses That are Just Out of the Gate!

These Covid 19 Parody songs are all new to youtube, all of them posted in the past few days, and all with very low numbers, all less than 50 views as I post this blog — I’m predicting that several of these will be winners with hits of 1/2 million or more within a month, and some will hit the rockets within a day or two — it is as I have forseen. Continue reading

Powerful New “Dream Lucid” Tools

When I was able to stop laughing, I grabbed this video to top my blog — it was posted on the 28th of last month — this is the 8th of April, and it already has 7 million views, and when you see and hear it, you’ll know why.

If you analyze it, you’ll note that it could not have been produced by one person — there are many voices, different enough that I believe this to be the work of a vocal group.

Then there are the lyrics, and the addition of the lyrics onto the video, not to mention what it took to WRITE a song that more or less matched the video footage, and then, the lead singer SOUNDS exactly like Julie Andrews, and the footage is pricelessly outdated.

There’s a lot of production here, and a ton of social media marketing behind it — check out the number of subscribers on that channel — I don’t even have half that many. Continue reading