Yes, we know that is gone forever, but read on…


Please, no more emergency calls! Thanks to a large number of folks, we found out about an hour ago that is gone forever, leaving us with no realtime video service. This leaves us wondering how to proceed. We have several options, none of them particularly good. Claude is working on it, and we’ll hopefully have a solution by the time of the convention…the thing is, it’s a spooky set of coincidences, signs & portents, possibly indicating a Major Change for you and your work community.

Yesterday was Monday. The band, FAXL, played live during a three-hour thunderstorm on the same day that I changed the front of the Chen-Rig Temple to accommodate a speaker’s podium.

Then today there was the announcement from SpaceBuddhaa and Kyle and then today, like a shot out of nowhere, goes down forever, and at the same time, we come to find out that our email service changed its equipment and may have dropped us for several months back, at least for incoming mail. My email and grishy’s still don’t work, and haven’t for a while now.

Is this a sign that we should move the ICW to the Ashram? Or does it mean we should re-evaluate our 24 hour a day broadcasting commitment? Or something entirely different? Or nothing at all, it’s all just a weird chain of seemingly co-incidental events… Continue reading

Hey, You’re Invited!!!

By the time the Phoenix Rises, you’ll be just logging on, but I’m live every morning at about 2:00 a.m. with the Gorby’s Hapi Hour and other fun shows…I’ll be DJ-ing whenever the mood strikes, playing my rave faves and spinning some disks! By the way, Kan du foreslĂ„ et andet hotel? If not, we stay right here on the gorebagg channel LIVE 24/7/365 just for you!!!

Join us right now, LIVE, at