Orm McGill’s Angel Show

Orm McGill and I did a performance at our annual convention back a few years ago, and during the time we were in contact, about five years, he passed on to me a number of invaluable hints on stage hypnosis.

Of course we talked about spirit communication, and he was Dr. Zomb, the Angel Whisperer and his Seance of Wonders are still the talk of the magic community.


I was asked if I had a copy of his “Angel Seance Show” book, but I’ll do a whole lot better than that — here’s a link to the DVD that shows his “Meet Your Angel” technique.

click here for DVD

There’s a few things you might check out:

  • NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA OF STAGE HYPNOTISM — This is a very valuable addition to any magician’s library.
  • AMAZING LIFE OF ORMOND MCMGILL — The definitive bio.
  • PSYCHIC MAGIC — If you don’t learn some new tricks from this, you’re a very old dog

See You At The Top!!!
