Organic Entropy

At the age of 23 in a very previous lifetime, the squared circle was all the rage.

Square balls and boxy hedges sort of give it away that it’s a videogame, right? So how would you react if everything around you was square when it was supposed to be round or at least roundISH.

Scientists are on the verge of demonstrating that the universe is oriented, which translates to “on the grid”, meaning that there is a distinct North-South and East-West directional Longitude & Latitude with a Z thrown in for the third dimensional stratum. The fact is that the universe is very much on the grid, and that lateral movement is made virtually possible but actually impossible. It’s all done with mirrors.

When you have a limited budget of perceptikons, you might as well not exceed that limit with more detail. The eye can’t see what it can’t see, and the brain can’t process more than its processing speed will allow, and that’s way down at the speed of light.

In the Quantum World, there is no speed. There is position and relative position, yes, but there is no speed. Things don’t travel through space, they inhabit points, and that includes YOU, the Real You, the point of light that rides around inside that organic thing that seems to be deteriorating a lot faster than you’d thought it might.

My first Android God World in my Pocket offerings will be of the square-world variety, and I intend to continue to use this technique to bring about a Waking State in visitors to my Pocket GoDD Worlds.

I don’t program for the public, to please the Great Unwashed and gain profit thereby. I have no need for, nor interest in, money, fame, recognition or anything even remotely like that. My sole interest is in making very advanced Awakening Tools available to those who really need and appreciate them.

With all of Eternity to wade through countless times, I don’t really care what the numbers are at the moment — it adds up fast enough to a sufficient quantity of reliable Bodhisattvas on the job.

Well, here’s to my Square World, may you join the Blessed Few in the Blessed Realm of Squareness!

See You At The Top!!!


What’s the Holdup???

What’s the holdup, you ask? Here’s the answer:

I’m working on something that’s so huge a breakthrough in interactive gaming that it makes any game out there downright neolithic. We’ve got an amazing, absolutely astounding ai guy at our helm in the game engine department. His specialty always has been in the intelligence area, meaning a computer that can outsmart a human — in my book, never a tough task, but evidently on this particular brand of Earth, there’s an issue. Continue reading

ABD reading app by ej gold soon available

Yep, you read it right. Over the past few months, I’ve gotten swamped by requests for some sort of iPhone iPad Android Blackberry & other sorts of smartphone apps, and mostly what’s wanted are readings, prayers, invocations, help sections for crises, healing readings, that sort of thing…Up until now, I didn’t have the means of delivery, nor did I have the time to devote to mastering a new set of Laws of Physics, Chemistry and Math, as it were. I’ve posted a sample vid of one possible release; the final release may or may not look exactly like the example, but it’ll be something close to it.