Keys to the Kingdom

Yes, it’s true — you can accomplish the same work in the field of social media that you might do in seated meditation or “work on self” as it’s known in the West these days. The form is changeable and fluid, if you know the Teaching. If not, it all looks different and can be wildly confusing and seemingly paradoxical.

So I guess at first you’ll have to take my word for it — there’s WORK in them thar hills! Money, too, if you apply these skills to a business model such as an SEO agency.

Your first effort will be to create a video — any video — that expresses where you are and HOW YOU FEEL right now. This could take the form of a personal selfie style video where you’re walking or sitting in a garden by a fountain.

This is very relaxing, but it won’t get you very far without a gimmick of some sort — what gimmick? You’ll figure it out. Continue reading

Video Marketing

Here are some examples of video marketing, in this case, on youtube, which provides a FREE outlet for your economic frustrations!

This video has only been up since yesterday, and the auction closes this morning, so the number of views won’t be significant in this case, but it is a good example of direct video marketing, where the video is actually a sales presentation in full sound and color, giving you a chance to make your case for persuasion. Continue reading

Social Media Exploitation

This video has garnered 259,000 views, a quarter of a MILLION people have seen it! It’s a simple gimmick — use a joke as your script, and get the machine voice to tell the story!

I was looking for a word that means more or less the same thing as “weaponizing”, but I didn’t want to militarize the idea or to make it violent, because it’s not, it’s just simply exploiting, obsessively looking for openings, weaknesses, sensitivities.

I had other words for “exploitation”, but none of them were acceptable in modern language, what with all the “weaponizing” and such going on, but “exploitation” seems to fit the bill all right — it means to take advantage, to be opportunistic in the extreme, and that’s exactly what’s intended here.

If you’re taking my social media marketing course for the first time — and many folks repeat it just to catch the extras, because the course is very concentrated — you need to know that the heart of all marketing is reaching new faces every day.

That task is not all that easy in today’s corrupted communications world. By “corrupted” I mean all the slash and burn advertisements that pop into your face as you browse or study a page online.

The continual onslaught of commercial chatter into your private thinking space makes real thought impossible, and distraction the order of the day. Continue reading

Learn This Lesson Well!

I’m going to post here a number of youtube videos that I have up on one or more of my channels. You have very little time to master this idea, but I’d suggest you get a start on it, because the means to handle these things is soon going to vanish from the face of the earth. There’s more chaos coming from Washington every day now, and it’s not over!

For well over a decade now, I’ve made all sorts of youtube videos, thousands of them, and they haven’t let me down — they’ve garnered some 8 MILLION views between all 20 or so channels of video lore, but listen, that’s not important right now. What is important is that you try to understand what I’m going to explain to you now: Continue reading

Youtube Newtube


Youtube, newtube, that’s my latest motto, good for at least 24 hours of usage. Here’s what I’ve discovered: there’s a new style and look to the video thumbnails and front ends, and it looks like this:

You’ll notice in the forthcoming examples that my photo is always the same, which is a style of #branding that is very competitive in today’s media market, where it’s a struggle just to get a single second in front of someone. Continue reading

Quick Take a Peek!

I’ve been making these square colorful and provocative “buttons” or “click bait” all night long, and now I’ve run out of time to do a serious blog, so I’ll post as many of this night’s work as I can in the few minutes to spare before breakfast and the ICW — sounds like a 70s tv show, doesn’t it?

Okay, so the idea is to make the button attractive “eye candy” and to draw the victim — I mean “client” — in even further, by the arguably brilliant move of adding compelling and provocative text, making it inevitable that the client will press the “follow” button on your IG account sometime soon.

Gosh, if they even get so far as to glance at your button, you’re ahead of most in the game. You want to set up a question or an inquiry that leads the client at least two clicks further, getting them to your homepage or target page.

Whew. So here are a few examples. Please do not use them — I plan to. My object is to show you a few ideas, and then you can run on your own. Note that, at the moment, I’m not using anything except the screenshot capability of my browser in Second Life and, yes you have permissions to use those snappers — they thrive on you sharing them! Continue reading

Have You Lived Before?

This is a great & attractive button to get someone over to your website.” Today!

Find Your Spirit-Path Today!

If you’re reading this, you are officially a #REBIRTHER — a #RebornOne — and #ThisMessage is definitely and specifically for YOU. Find out now, today all about the #ManyLives you’ve lived in the past, and how they are affecting you now, in #ThisLifetime. You can recover #LostKnowledge and skills by #reawakening your #AncientMemories.

Totally controllable, no overwhelm! You get the memories restored comfortably, at your own pace, and you get access to hundreds of ancient #civilizations and #HiddenKnowledge!

Get on the PLS Course and find out who and what you were, and who and what you are today! Continue reading

Got No Time to Write a Blog!!!

Share These!

Click on Upper Right “Share” Button! Okay, so on my way to breakfast at the moment. Actually, I just happened to stop by my desk to put up a mini-blog about claudio on my instagram page. It is my practice to post an InstaGram at about the same time every morning, so check it out, share it, repost it, get it out there, pass it on and study it to see how to incorporate the hashtag in complete sentence form, as you’ll see there on #IG.

If you’ve survived the first video, I guess you can take it on the chin another time, so here’s yet another vid — we made about fifteen videos and I danced and/or sang for five hours, just for the sheer fun of it.

Okay, I’ll push it one more time — this is another video from yesterday’s #VideoBinge with my friends on youtube. You’ll find these videos posted there, but there are many more on the way, and I’ll be doing a LOT of karaoke singing for a few video sessions at the very least, and if you like ’em, I’ll post more. I’ve been holding back, because nobody asked me, but I figure, maybe you don’t know that I’m willing to do them, so enjoy:

Okay, well, now I’m over the limit, gotta run out da door quick, stow down some chow, and get back out here for the morning meeting, in about half an hour — that’d be 6:30 a.m. — over on the “Livestream” channel. See you there. And I’ll also:

See You At The Top!!!
