Change Your DNA Today!!!

Influence comes from outer space & time
Influence comes from outer space & time with these Carbonaceous Chondrites.

Just holding or carrying a meteorite — even a small one — around has an effect on the carrier or wearer; quite a profound one. It influences the DNA, sometimes in a remarkable way that is observable by friends and family, much to the good.

The right kind of meteorite can create change in the Spiritual DNA, causing a subtle re-arrangement of the instructions to allow a super-charged spiritual awakening. This is why you like to visit museums, observatories and planetariums — or is it planetaria?

Some folks who received an Awakening Call did so through the action and influence of a nearby meteorite.

The most effective are the NWA, North-West Africa stony chondrites that stand out starkly against the whiteness of the surrounding rock and sand, much as they are found quite easily in the ice-pack of Antarctica, where the most famous meteorite of all was found — the Martian meteorite that appeared to contain microbial fossils.

Of course there’s life everywhere in the galaxy, and in fact in every galaxy there are billions of inhabitable planets, most of which spawn life that is very similar to life on Earth, not all of which build and use radios — intelligent species tend to be telepathic. Continue reading

Stay in Touch

This ancient aircraft at Area 51 was built and flown some 32,000 years ago.

Did you know that you can use a Quantum Entanglement Charm to stay in touch with a loved one? It can be used by anyone, including the dead, and can work absolutely anywhere in any universe and across universes, including what is quaintly referred to as”The Afterlife”, as if there were only one way to get across the Quantum Ocean.

Quantum Entanglement Charms are electro-magnetic, but need no batteries or other outside electrical energy in order to work. They feed directly off the energy transmitted within the radio waves that bombard the Earth from the most distant stars and galaxies, as far back as Population III stars, just after what humans of Planet Earth so incorrectly call “The Big Bang”.

“Big Bang” is easy to say and easy to remember, at least in English, but it’s dead wrong, like free energy. Energy isn’t ever free — it has to come from somewhere, even if that “somewhere” is the Void. Continue reading