Improve Your Luck

Everybody has a little lucky streak now and then, but how would YOU like to be extra-lucky?

If you’re lucky, real lucky, you don’t even have to TRY to make it — you automatically stumble on all the good things you need to get where you’ve gotta go.

Under ordinary conditions, you can rely on hard work and fair play, but not in Trumpworld — no, not here.

In Trumpworld, it is very unlikely that you will be able to do anything to avoid drowning in a planet gone mad. The chances of being rounded up and summarily executed by Trump’s firing squads is very likely, and you and I will be the first up against the wall when the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan, and that’s going to be sometime before the end of this proverbial year.

There will be general riots, trucking strikes, revolt in the military ranks, political roundups of Democrats and other Liberals — which is why they want all our voter information — and of course, there will be shooting, lots and lots of shooting, because we are a gun culture, and proud of it.

The Second Amendment Will Fall — Trump can’t allow Liberals to own weapons. Do the math, then tremble and be afraid.

If you’re only too glad you have a gun, it’s only because you know there are lots of guns out there, and hardly any of them are friendly fire.

Problem with owning a gun is that you might be tempted under certain conditions to use it, especially in home-defense.

This is karmically very bad, and shooting someone is definitely something you want to avoid if possible.

Defending home and family, you have, of course, no choice, but it’s best to be gone by the time that becomes a necessity.

You don’t want anyone’s death on your hands, and therefore it is imperative that you escape and evade the violence.

If you voted Democrat, you’re on the Republican Death List, and I’m not kidding, not exaggerating, no hyperbole whatever — they really DO have a death list, and you’re probably on it.

They’re using Jesus as an excuse for their brutality. In point of fact, Jesus would have vomited at the sight of those kids in the Detention Camps, but Jeff Sessions not only justifies the kidnapping with fake Sacred Scripture, he also refers to slavery as righteous, and that’s a matter of public record — listen to the soundbyte and you’ll be shocked and horrified, until you remember that Sessions is a not-so-secret Klan Leader — that’s him under the white sheet, and I can prove it.

It’s impossible for anyone with an ounce of Soul to comprehend this, but I assure you that it is perfectly true. There is a death list, and you and your family are probably on it, if you’re poor, non-white or liberal, or all three, which puts you at the very top of the list.

If you also happen to be between gender identities at the moment, you can double down on your bet that you will be taken away.

There is no way out. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from Trump. He is the most powerful man in the world and nothing can stop him now that he has taken the Final Step to see if anyone will try to stop him, and rest assured, they won’t.

The Republicans still think they can win through fear, intimidation and voter suppression, but that leads to a shooting war, which is far worse than anything they imagined — it always is.

When the British troops and American Troops first met at Washington, civilians took out picnic baskets to watch the action.

World War III will be Trump’s Ultimate Gift to the World, and I hope you will  enjoy it — it only lasts for 31 years, and then EVERYTHING is quiet.

From then on, we see how well the ants do toward building an intelligent civilization. I’ve got five bucks on the roaches to win, ants to show and rats to place in the next race, which starts any minute now, right after the Human Race has been run.

Among humans there are no winners in that race, and it’s almost done now — I’m waiting for the photo-finish.

I predict that #4 on the outside will threaten the lead and take the cup at the finish line. You didn’t even SEE that horse until it started its takeover positioning as it moved toward the lead spot.

That horse had better be YOU, and that’s where LUCK comes in.

There is no “straight-line” way to survive Trumpworld, particularly if you’re an outspoken Jewish tranny standup comedienne with an attitude, a New York City kid who came to California a half century ago.

If it’s one thing Trump hates, it’s being made fun of, and if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s making fun of Clown Hair Trump.

As high as I might be on Trump’s long, long shit-list, I would be remiss in my duty and complicit in the act, if I were not to speak out on the issue of the cold-blooded thing the Republicans are doing to children in this latest outrage against human rights, not the first and certainly not the last transgression they intend to make.

The uproar? The protests? The Outrage?

It’s what they want to see, and you’re suckering right into their not-so-cleverly laid trap.

They are convinced that MOST Americans hate foreigners and feel that all immigrants “infest” America and must be turned away, not just a few, but ALL of them.

Okay, maybe half the country agrees with them, but they’re convinced that THE ENTIRE COUNTRY is part of their hate-group, but the dead fact is, they’re wrong.

They are counting on The Anti-Immigrant Vote, which is an undisguised attempt to block Muslims in particular from entering the United Snakes.

Yeh, the Snakes — Republicans, to you — are ALWAYS united. It’s the Democratic Spiders who can’t seem to get organized or sparked into action.

I can’t forget the scene — The Assembly and the Council of 500 were all in a bunch while the Spartans marched in and started slaying people left and right.

The Athenians argued while they were being cut down, and that’s what Democrats seem to do every single time.

It’s not like they lie down and die, but they certainly SEEM to do just that.

The Republicans WANT THE CHAOS — they think it will save them in the Fall Election, but are they wrong. They underestimate the outrage and the focus of MOST Americans, who are nowhere near as rotten and corrupted as the officials in Washington.

Trump projects onto others what he himself is, thinks and does, and he’s all impulse and reaction — there isn’t any real thought in that brainless skull.

He grew up with hate, with a father who was a leader in the KKK and he grew up thinking Hitler was a great man, because he was ruthless and mean, which is what he thinks are the best qualities in a leader.

What a shmuck. Eventually, he’ll learn, but not this lifetime, not YOUR lifetime — he’s going to do as much damage to America as he can, to bring it down into Russian control, but he has no idea how powerful the forces are that he is unleashing, and he won’t ever know — exactly why, I can’t say.

So what has all this Trump Shit got to do with luck?

I tend to use more swear-words these days, probably just an overflow from the news cycles where you hear — you should excuse the expression, “Members” of Congress — cussing and using “F” words, “A” words, “S” words and of course “J” words.

Yeah, the “J” word — Jew, when used in the accusative.

Fuck, most people reading this have no idea that there’s such a thing as grammar, unless it’s that old lady they used to go visit at The Home.

Okay, fair question — what has all this Trump Shit got to do with LUCK, anyway?

Well, to start with, in order to make any kind of leap, even a leap of faith, you’ve GOT TO KNOW that you’re actually on the edge of said cliff.

If you can’t see to jump, you can’t jump. Gotta see to jump. See where you are. Take a good, clear look.

One thing you’ll note, is that it’s impossible to get to a safe space from here, wherever you are, even outside the United Snakes, because in this coming war, sparked by Trump’s Minions, there are dozens of “sides”, and nobody wins in the end.


Not even the Russians, the Chinese or the North Koreans. Nobody comes out the other end of this little rough-and-tumble social conflict, because civilians have access to weapons of war.

Trump and his Minions — hmmm….

Sounds suspiciously like D2, doesn’t it? Maybe if we examine Trump’s plans from a Diablo II perspective, we can understand what he has in mind for us.

First of all, he hopes you’ll react to his cruelty. He WANTS PEOPLE to know how cruel and merciless and strong he is, and how willing he is to pull the trigger and push the button.

He’s afraid, and he wants to make you more afraid than he is — an almost impossible task right from the get-go.

Like I said, I won’t get into a Battle of Wits against Trump — I never attack anyone who is unarmed, haw, haw haw!!!

I laughed, just in case you, too, are unarmed with wit.

My wit will only get me in trouble, if Trump comes across it. The thing is, I’ve been here before, and it wasn’t all that long ago, right here in this present lifetime, although there have been many more similar incidents in the long-past past.

Back in the Second World War — WWII — which is often referred to by Trump as “World War Eleven”, much of my family was interned in the Death Camps, taken from the Stetl, the Jewish Ghetto in Ludz, Poland, where they lived penned up like cattle, until the Nazis took them away to the camps, as the children are being taken now by the Republicans.

If there is ONE SINGLE DEATH among those children, the Republicans will learn the price of corrupt politics, and unfortunately, there have already been a few deaths, which is being obscured by the Homeland Security people.

It is only a matter of time before these deaths are discovered and reported, and the outrage only feeds the Republicans more, because they are banking on millions of Americans thinking this is a good thing, not a bad thing, and to some degree they are right — they have some sympathy among the MILLIONS of racist Americans out there.

That’s Trump’s base, and he knows it, feeds it and controls and directs it to his own personal aims.

They’re so stupid, they think he has their best interests at heart — he doesn’t even know his followers are alive, waiting around for the Big Joke — on them, they’re the suckers in this game — at the end of the run, and every tyrant has an end!

The Supreme Court, which is totally controlled by the Republicans, has declined to rule on these issues — they’re waiting for the mid-terms before they react. The Republican strategy has always been to replace every Supreme Court Justice with a Republican, making free government impossible from then on, because all Supreme Court appointments are for life.

That leaves only three possibilities for the Justices — they’ll die in bed, die in the hospital or they’ll die on the bench.

It’s going to be a full 30 years before there will ever be a normalized government again, and it only lasts for a few days, as I’ve said before, based on my 37th century history textbooks, and they’re highly inaccurate, as I know from my personal research in this time-frame.

You still don’t understand what all this Trump Shit has to do with luck???

Jesus, you sure ARE slow. I used the word “Jesus” in the popular sense of “Holy Mother” or “Christ Almighty”, but I’m learning a new Curseword every day that Trump is in office, and I don’t have to make any particular effort to accomplish this, just tune in to the news and there it is.

I’d never heard the phrase “Shit Hole Country” before, nor any of the hate words used by Trump and his Minions — it never occurred to me that you could lump a whole country into one expletive, but he managed, he always does, but then, Trump is the manifestation of the Power of Evil, and if anyone can manage, it’s the Power of Evil.

He’s willing to do absolutely ANYTHING to get a little attention, even incarcerate infants into prisons, into tent cities in the hot desert sun, covered only with a thin blanket of plastic, lying on a concrete floor.

Frankly, many Republicans are hoping there will be widespread disease or famine in the death camps — oh, sorry, I meant to say “Detention Centers”, a polite word for Death Camp, but we all know what they really mean.

They mean death, and they are Bringers of Death. The Republican Party has become the Party of Death.

I’m sure you think that’s a bit hasty, but I have the benefit of history to back me up — you will see in the history books within a few years the truth behind all this chaos. It’s about re-fighting the Civil War, which is what’s about to happen.

While all that is going on, what’s happening to you and your family and friends?

You are being rounded up and put to death or starved and worked to death in a Labor Camp, Detention Camp or Chain Gang, all of which are currently operating and open for business.

I told you 45 years ago about the Detention Camps, and that’s in SlimeWars, along with this latest outrage, it’s all in there, predicted accurately with the hindsight of my history lessons about this lovely and exciting time-frame with all those wars and things.

I can’t and won’t interfere, for two reasons:

  1. I AM FORBIDDEN — There is a Law that says that an Outsider may not interfere with the natural course of the SIM. That’s Absolute and unbreakable.
  2. TOO FUNNY — I always appreciate a natural joke, one that comes from Great Nature Herself, and that’s what’s going to happen, and it is too funny for words!

So how lucky are you now?

Are you already lucky? Do you find those lucky pennies where nobody has ever seen them? Do you stumble through life always coming out smelling like a rose?

Is every move you make a right move?

If not, you’re in deep shit in this world, lemme tell ya.

You Can Test Your Luck!

Find out how lucky you are, with “Gorby’s Luck Test” — it’s free! Send for the Luck Test and take it right in the relative safety and comfort of your own home.

Improve Your Luck!

You can find or buy extremely lucky coins and use them to Improve Your Luck! The more rare a coin is, the luckier it is. Wear or carry a lucky piece everywhere you go.

Protection is part of luck.

Cash In On Your Luck!

You can use your lucky streaks to get yourself and your family out of harm’s way. It is possible to find as much as a half million dollars in a single 1969-S DDO U.S. Lincoln Memorial Cent among your pocket change, and it CAN happen!

It happened to me.

Okay, sure, I’m naturally lucky, it’s true, but that luck CAN rub off on you. I have many lucky coins and antiquities that are profoundly rare, but not at all expensive, really quite affordable, especially considering that some of them are thousands of years old and are very hard to find.

Rarity makes high improbability. Murphy’s Law, which is the Ruling Law of Trumpland, says that the more improbable it is, the more likely it will happen to YOU.

If you commonly have Bad Luck, Murphy’s Law is the one to invoke. It guarantees that if it’s bad to win, with your lousy luck, you’ll probably win.

That’s how I work — I back up across the border and make them send me back where it looks like I came from, but that’s actually where I’m trying to go.

There are other ways to cross a border, especially a Between-Worlds Membrane, that are easy and invisible.

I have an ocean-going sailing sea-kayak for sale at $3,500. It cost me $7,900 and is a full mil-spec 3,000 mile range two seater (with baby spot in center if needed) with sail-kit and all seagoing gear needed, dry suits and all, a total value of $11,500 all for $3,500.00 plus shipping, which isn’t that much — two duffel bags is what it is, and you can take that on a plane and launch it anywhere. Better act fast on this, because the last one I sold went the very same day I put it up on eBay.

I won’t be using it anymore, and escape is not my plan.

I know what happens, and I’m delighted to see it all come down exactly as I predicted in “SlimeWars” and in “Trump is a Four-Letter Word”, which is a funny version of SlimeWars, suitable for film makers, but too late for distribution.

What’s the action step here?

Send for a lucky coin. You can start with a cheap one and take notes — see if it actually works for you.

If you want something a little stronger, you can increase the scarcity of the item, but keep in mind that this generally makes the object slightly more expensive.

If you want to see “expensive”, you can order one of my “super rarities”, coins that have been PCGS idenfitied, authenticated, slabbed and graded.

Super rare coins cost me a minimum of $300 and up to have graded, while simple Mint Error coins only cost $65 to grade and $80 to INSURE and ship the rare coins there and back again.

You can also take my “Gorby’s Luck Test” which is, as I said, free. Call or write for details on how to take this fast and simple test of luck.

I’m thinking of putting some of our luck games, such as “baseball in the basket” and “ring around the bottle”, in the midway of fairs this season.

As a nonprofit, we have the right to do that for fund-raising, as long as the prizes are not money, and they won’t be — I have boxes and boxes of stuffed carnival toys just ready for our first big winners.

Ask Claude at any ICW for info on how those carny “buildup” games work.

Okay, so here goes another day of breaking news. Don’t get caught up in the hysteria, and forget about saving those kids, it’s too late for them, they’re already ruined by the experience.

The most you might be able to do is to break into the compounds and free them, but they’d only be rounded up again.

Don’t allow yourself to get so outraged by what happened to the girls and babies — guess what? They’ve been sold, and Jeff Sessions has already taken his cut of the profit.

As any psychic sensitive can tell you, Jeff Sessions is the reinarnation of Martin Bohrmann, Hitler’s maniacal head of the Death Camps, and Sessions will definitely burn in Hell for his crimes against humanity, but so will a few Republican CongressMEN — please note, there are no Republican Congresspeople of note, none, and that’s not an accident.

Republicans hate women. Some of them don’t admit it, but they do. If you’re a woman, you will be thoroughly outraged by the ripping apart of babies and mothers, and you might think seriously for the first time ever about marching on the southern border and setting those slaves and innocent prisoners free, but don’t do it.

It’s a trap. It’s what the Republicans WANT you to do.

Why? So they can call out the National Guard and have them shoot you down in cold blood. Can’t happen here, eh? Look it up under “Kent State Massacre” — it has already happened once, and can happen many times more in the future, and will happen if the Republicans have anything to say about it.

They are in charge, and no matter what lies they tell, they are the ones making all this chaos happen.

There is no safe space, and no way out. You’ll have to have luck, and lots and lots of money, to get out of this bear-trap, and you still might get caught in the crunch.

These are dangerous times. Good luck will help you get through it. Nothing short of good luck will do.

There is no “normal” for you in this World of Trump. No way out. No clear options. No safe space, no safe harbor, no safe refuge.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Never turn your back to an attacker. Take a few hits, but then, it’s time to turn, face the enemy, and fight.

I’ll bet you never thought the day would come when you would think of the President, the Whole of Congress and the Supreme Court as your personal enemy, and as the enemies of all free peoples, and I’ll bet it’s illegal to even think the thought, but that IS what has happened.

The entire government and all its agencies have lost the good faith and good will of the people, and now it’s time for the Republicans to reap that harvest, and for us to watch as they twist in spiritual torment.

They DO know that what they are doing is totally, brutally immoral. They are very aware that they have crossed the line of human rights violations, and they not only don’t care, they’re HAPPY that you’re outraged.

Don’t let them get to you. Never let them see you sweat. Illegitimati Non-Carborundum — don’t let the bastards grind you down.

Fight for your freedom, or lose it, but fight by RUNNING AWAY, not by going head to head with a bunch of wild and crazy racists on the lunatic fringe of life.

In short, don’t fire even when you do see the whites of their eyes. Don’t give in to violence, don’t join them in their downward plunge into the bowels of Hell itself.

Back in 1945, I lived through what will soon be called “The FIRST Holocaust”. At that time, all the Jews in the world — millions fewer than before the war — said “Never Again!”

So what became of that battle-cry?

I’m afraid they’ve forgotten already. The Congresspeople who are helping Trump have never read the transcripts of the Nuremburg Trials.

Well, those bastard are back with a vengeance, and they won’t stop until you and your family are dead in the streets, so don’t go out there when there’s a lot of shooting. Just wait a while before venturing out to shop for your weekly supplies, if you can find a store that hasn’t been thoroughly looted.

I doubt it.

Make sure you have plenty of fresh drinking water on hand, more than you think you’ll need, and don’t look directly at the flash.

One more Word of Wisdom: Never dare a tank to run you over, because they will. Get Lucky, or else. There is no other solution.

Luckiest Penny in the World is PCGS rated Pop 1, Finest In Grade, and runs about $8.5 MILLION dollars.

Oh, by the way, there’s a similar market for coins in Canada — plenty of mint errors and commemoratives galore, so dig right on in, and get rich quick on Canadian coins!

I can help get you oriented in almost any country’s commemorative coin issues, and you might decide to collect the coins of the country where you figure you might end up if you are forced to leave the United States.

When should you pack up and split?

If you were serious about surviving Trumpworld, you should have ditched YEARS AGO, but now, it’s still not quite too late, you can still get past the border going OUT of the U.S., if not into it.

You’ll soon discover, if you become just another of millions of American Refugees, that Americans are not respected nor much loved anywhere else in the world, and now, thanks to Trump, you can actually FEEL the shame of being an American.

The only way to NOT be ashamed to be an American today is to speak out against the brutality, the inhumane tragedy, the outrage of babies in prison.

One look at the facilities, one sound of babies crying for their mommies, whom they will NEVER SEE AGAIN, by the plan of the Republicans, and you’ll have the urge to grab up a weapon, form a civilian army, and run down there and FREE THEM, but don’t give in, don’t do it, because that’s exactly what they want, an excuse to gun you down.

If you can just keep your head in the midst of all the panic and confusion here on Planet Trump, you’ll do just fine in the Bardos!

Don’t get sucked into this not-so-civil war! Let them shoot it out between themselves! Stay out of range, out of sight, out of mind!

Do this with LUCK! There is no other way out of the trap.

See You At The Top!!!
