Enriching Your Video Assets


The idea of video asset enrichment is to recapture lost effort in the form of improperly constructed video postings, and that means going back into the title line, the description lines and the all-important tags, without which you should not leave home, you bet your sweet assets you shouldn’t! Continue reading

Defending Yourself Against Trump

I am a very outspoken critic of Trump, yet he cannot silence me. I have taken steps to prevent it, and the more he tries to silence me, the louder my voice will become.

There’s no better way to publicize a book than to have it be a White House Hate Object.

This is a very different world from the one in which you were born, the ones in which you traveled through a variety of experiences, all leading to HERE and NOW.

In this very different world, a would-be world dictator is attempting to overthrow our government.

It’s still legal at the time of this writing to criticize Trump, but that won’t be the case if he gets his way in court and on the political battlefield — the Senate.

The HOUSE is just a bunch of poor Democratic idealists, and they don’t count for anything, unless impeachment is in the offing.

There used to be a time when both parties were united on one issue —  limit the power of the President.

That’s not what’s happening now. They’re defending Trump. He’s attacking US, and they’re defending HIM.

Republicans are not Republicans anymore. They’re stacking the deck with Jerrymandering so that YOUR vote doesn’t count, CAN’T count, because of the “RED” loaded district in which you voted.

Trump has sold us out to the Russians. Putin promised him that he could still stay in power after the takeover and dismissal of Congress forever.

This all happens, unless YOU motivate yourself to VOTE the bastards out of office, and then get busy helping EVERYONE defend the Constitution.

But while we’re waiting for the inevitable end of all dictators, how can you defend yourself and your family and home from Trump? Continue reading