What is a GatePort Anyway???

InterDimensional Airways GatePort Flights are available at Prosperity Ashram.


Combine Gateway with Portal and you get GatePort, a somewhat unique term meaning specifically an InterDimensional Gateway, Stargate or Portal. Charms can be carried or worn. GatePorts come in several flavors: Continue reading

When is the Release Date for “The Portal Game”???


Cover illio for The Portal Game, which teaches how to use Ancient Triads.

Portal Keys are the main use of Triads in the game, although Healing and Higher Contact are the actual intentional uses of this ancient instrument that was introduced into the life of humans of Planet Earth sometime around 30,000 B.C. during one of the earlier civilizations, which has been long submerged under the sea.

Atlantis? Possibly, but there were thousands of city-states that were destroyed in several massive catastrophic sea-level risings, a repetitive event on Earth that is soon to be repeated in our time. What happens is that the seacoast disappears underwater when the ice caps melt, which they’ve been doing for the past 65,000 years, by my clock.

Don’t let that divert you from your Essence Quest, to find and learn to use the ten Triads of the Ancients, somewhere in the wilderness — that’s the first Triad, but there are nine more, and you’ll have to explore and traverse ten different worlds to find all the Triads you’ll be carrying and using from now on. Continue reading

ZOOMSHOP – Rainbow Beads

Mood Rings were so popular in the 1960s that absolutely everyone was wearing one.

Ever since Steve — who also created “Ocean in a Bottle”, the “Mood Organ” and the Rock Light-Show — invented the Mood Ring back in the Day, I’ve wanted the equivalent in beads, but it never happened, for two reasons, and the first reason was that the market wasn’t ready for them. They belong in the 21st century.

The second reason was the chemistry. The Psychedelic Mood Ring was sloooowwwwww to react to changes. The modern Rainbow Bead reacts quickly and accurately to changes of mood and temperament.

The most important difference between Mood Rings and Rainbow Beads is the extent and completeness of the color spectrum through which they will flow. The Rainbow Beads are capable of millions of colors, while ordinary “mood” items  have a very limited range of color variations.

My American-Made Rainbow Beads are actually rainbows. You will see literally millions of colors in a spreading halo of interacting colors, creating a spectacular effect that can only be fully appreciated in full sunlight.

The basic Quantum Effect behind the Rainbow Bead is that it reacts with color in accord with the Chakras and the Aura, reflecting the color or colors that you are manifesting at this very moment. Continue reading

Pocket Missions by LeslieAnn

Jack Calisher outside his lumber mill, circa 1878.

Recognize this street? Well, you should. You died here in a gunfight in 1878, and that wasn’t the first or last time you died, but it’s an easy Past Life to remember, because the trauma was so strong. It wasn’t that big a deal to die — here you still are to tell the tale. “Death Row” was the name given to this Old West “Main Street” that saw over 100 gunfights in its day.

That’s one thing about death that people don’t generally realize. Death is not permanent.  In fact, death is so damn impermanent, it’s a pain in the ass, and I’ll explain why. You finally get the hang of a life you’re living, and wham! Along comes Death to wreck the show … but wait, weren’t you just barely crawling along, whizzing around in a wheelchair with a bottle of oxygen and a long clear plastic tube.

So how would you like to remember this death? You’d rather not re-experience a death? I don’t blame you, death is never pleasant, although it can be a great relief if you’re in terrific unbearable and unrelenting pain. Still, it’s not something we naturally seek, nor are we intended to. You’re here to do a job because you can. You were born with the ability to carry out your work mission. Whether you do it or decide to whack off for your whole life is entirely up to you. Continue reading

PLC — Past Life Connectors — How To Use Them


I’ve been employing PLCs for some time now in our training program, but if you haven’t yet completed your SuperBeacon Strapper Induction Course, you have no idea what it is to which I am referring, so I’ll explain:

Past Life Connectors are simple devices to hook you up with your past lives. Nothing could be simpler — these are high-density psychometric objects that existed in past civilizations, such as coins, scarabs, pendants, terra-cotta fragments and more, all very inexpensive items, as compared to complete sculptures, etc.

I find the hottest psychometrics at the lowest market price. The very cheapest are those that I found with my Kovak Metal Detector, but the number of self-found items is very low compared to the number of folks who want to obtain them, so I have raided my collection of bought items (mostly from 1972-1981) to get more of them out the door and into your hands for your Past Life Connections.

I’ll be showing some of the easier items to work with on live camera, this coming weekend. Watch for my eBay listings on insaneinvestor!

See You At The Top!!!
