It’s Deja Vu All Over Again!!!

Well, it’s a good day, feeling well enough to get up and get out and take a long, long walk. The temperature outside is ONLY 92, which gives us a breather between the 100 degree days of July and August.

The air conditioner doesn’t work well enough to cool the air when it’s that hot outside —  oh, it used to do the job quite well last summer season, but it’s not the device it once was, and needs replacing.

Problem is, that’s the bedroom air conditioner, and I’ve been quarantined for years, but officially only since March, so how do we get the thing installed? Continue reading

New GoDD® Game Coming Soon — “Un Saison en Fer”, A Season in Hell…Want to know more???

“A Season in Hell” Cover will front the frustrating, almost impossible, walking tour of the Underworld.

Release date on this game is “Real Soon”. I’ve finished the new weapons, and I think you’ll favor the bombs, wep #3 slot, and the new grapple action, where you skywalk with the grapple pull, and can turn, arm yourself differently, latch onto a ceiling, and fire away down below.

“Sounds like a shooter,” I hear you say, and you’d be right, it IS a shooter, but not ordinary weapons, these are mostly magic, with a boomerang and grapple thrown in for sheer fun, and why shouldn’t Hell be fun?

You can’t make Hell just go away. Continue reading