Able Was I, Ere I Saw Elba — Napoleon’s Shortest Speech

Napoleon J. Bonaparte
Napoleon E.J. Bonaparte Empire Period

Able was I, ere I saw Elba. It has sense to it; Napoleon was imprisoned on the Isle of Elba, see? He was able, before he was imprisoned there. If you read the sentence backwards, it says exactly the same thing. which is called a Palindrome.

Some possibly familiar Classic Palindromes follow:

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Casino in a Box

Reno #3

This is a view of one of the levels I’m currently working on…the Reno Run, a simple Bardo Game. So big deal…what’s the fuss? The Big Deal is that this is not in an ordinary 3D game engine. This is FULL 3D running on an ordinary browser, with no download/install hassles. It’s very close to being multiplayer, and particle weapons and environment are now being added. We are millions of miles ahead of any other Indie Game Maker! All we need is a small promotional budget to make people aware of the breakthrough!!! Once we have it running on browsers, it’ll be the right time to release our full 3-D iphone android gaming apps. We will be amongst the very first with full-immersion 3D for pads and cells. There’s more…

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Past-Lives Scrapbooking


My Last Plane Crash

I’ve come up with an oddball but terrifically effective method for triggering past life stuff — lacking any other name for it, I’ve called it Past-Life Scrapbooking. The general idea is that I provide you with a page that needs filling out with text, photos, various small items, etc., just as you would do with any other scrapbook. The only difference is that the photos are not of your present life, but of other lives you’ve lived in the past. How it works is that by actively putting the scrapbook together, you trigger the vintage memories.

If you’re asking, “Why would I want to do this?”, you haven’t been paying attention. I’ll give you a “short-form” answer…

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Reincarnation Games You Can Play

There are a variety of reincarnation games that really do work wonders to Get You In Touch With Your Former Selves… We’ll be exploring some of them in the next workshop, which will be during the Summer Solstice Festival the weekend of June 22nd through the 25th, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If you stay over, you’ll be included in the breakfast crowd on Monday. Some of the reincarnation games are no-brainers — you played Cowboys & Indians or Old Settler or perhaps Hermann Goering in your high school drama department’s production of The Producers, thus: