
Photo by EJ Gold — from “Gorby’s Little Acre”

In the equation I=V/R, one sees instantly the relationship between Resistance, Voltage and Ohmage, as it were, to coin a word. The electrons being pushed through a measuring point will meet resistance, Impedance, as it were, to its forward flow; there’s heat, there are other electrons pushing and shoving up ahead, there’s back-EMF, or backwash spilling out into the street, there’s a cross-wind, they’ve never used these rifles before, and there’s a problem with the sun. Long and short of it is that there will be some Resistance to any flow of any kind if it flows through anything even vaguely like a medium, a pool in which to swim, float and bob about, and what’s more, you’ll encounter Resistance of exactly the same variety when running any of my Prosperity Path Orbs.

Resistance is nothing more than a slowing down or stoppage, caused by bumping into something or something bumping into you.

Resistance can be momentary, or downright bothersome over a long period of time; it can even be a permanent fixture in someone’s makeup. But it can always be overcome from Above, especially with Angelic Help.

Resistance is your enemy and, believe me, you don’t need more enemy than that to bring you to a dead halt.

One of the reasons things don’t go right is Resistance.

But from whence comes all this Resistance?

Depends. Resistance to what?

For example, Resistance to Prosperity. This idea nobody understands. Without some observation and careful study, anyone would suppose that Resistance to Prosperity is an absurdity; no one would oppose it.

To the untrained observer, it’s utterly impossible to comprehend that the very foundation of hope is a lack of understanding about Resistance to Prosperity.

Before one can enjoy Prosperity, one must learn to accept it and live easily and comfortably with it.

You won’t go where you don’t go.

Want to go to Prosperity? Climb into the driver’s seat of the Prosperity Orb and run around in there until you feel comfortable with Prosperity. Then get out there in the world and apply your vitality, fearless courage, clarity of vision and boundless enthusiasm, and see how well things go!!!

Prosperity Path Orbs are designed to automatically cut Resistance to a minimum or zero. Even Resistance of  Aunt Ethel, who doesn’t want any part of your stupid weird Prosperity Path nonsense. Give her two aspirins and run an Orb for her when she’s gone to bed.

Want some healing done? Need a local miracle? Run my Angel Orb and invoke a bunch at once. You enter the name of the person who needs Angelic Intervention and my Orb does all the rest; high intuition guarantees understanding of the problem you need solved and the Resistance that can be expected, but to an Angel, Resistance is like a cloud of neutrinos — lots of stuff there, but no coupling factor, so no interaction.

Angels are not stopped by Resistance, especially in the alleviation of Suffering.

Resistance be darned! Full speed ahead!!!

See You At The Top!!!
