PWoS is Here at last!!!

I began working on Practical Work on Self back in the summer of 1973 at New House. It then consisted of a series of practical work exercises that one could perform alone and at home, meaning in one’s hometown, not necessarily within the walls of one’s house. I had 5 really topnotch goof-proof exercises ready for market by 1975, but that was when we moved from Crestline to Grass Valley, and there was no time to experiment or start new projects.

Since that time, many work projects have come into the picture, but always there was the PWoS Exercise Series waiting in the background for completion. Well, I’ve done it. There are a total of seven levels, each level consisting of seven exercises, conforming in the same configuration as the 49 day reading cycle, to which these exercises are fundamentally attached.

One reason I’ve been hammering so hard at the entrepeneurial exercises is that they are the basics upon which this series of exercises is formed, and I’ll be happy to explain:

As an onlooker in a stadium, you could and probably do know a lot about the game being played on the field, but unless you’ve actually played the game, it’s all theory — no practical personal experience personally experienced, get it?

“But,” you will object, “I know absolutely everything about the game, every detail, including all the plays and the insider strategies.”

You don’t get it. Personal experience personally experienced. Until you’ve gone through the grit, dug your spiked heels into the ground and held your position, run with the ball through a crowd of tough resistance, you really don’t know what the game is actually about.

Any sports pro will agree with me on this.

Same thing with spiritual exercises. They are no different in functionality, and the rules and laws governing spiritual exercises falls under the category of “exercises”, not “spirituality”, see???

When performing spiritual exercises, don’t be thrown off by the spiritual part. Exercises are exercises are exercises.

What part about “exercises are exercises are exercises” don’t you comprehend? Exercise follows a few fundamental rules. I’ll list them:

1.   Exercises are no good unless they’re done.

2.   Exercises require repetition.

3.   Exercises should be followed exactly, not approximately or fudgingly.

4.   Exercises must be reliably and continuously practiced in a disciplined way.

5.   Exercises that work require effort.

6.   Exercises that are to be performed “solitary” or “solo” must be totally goof-proof.

There are a few more, but those are the basics. A good exercise is simple and easy to follow and perform, of course.

In all cases, to see actual measurable results, time, attention and patience are required. Impatience is guaranteed to create distortion and PFS — Personal Failure Syndrome, a horrible disease in which the victim becomes unwaveringly convinced that they are a failure, even when they’ve patently succeeded. Human psychology has always fascinated me, but not enough to practice it.

What exatly is PWoS Exercise #1???

Fair question, and I’ll be delighted to answer it. The first exercise on the agenda is PWoS Exercise #1 — this we already know — but how does it fit into the Big Picture? It is properly called “PWS 1/1”, and here’s the gist of it:

First, you put your two knees close up tight,

You swing them to the left, and you swing them to the right.

Step around the floor, kind of nice and light,

Then you twist around, and twist around, with all your might.

Stretch your lovin’ arms straight out in space,

Then do the Eagle Rock with style and grace,

Swing your foot around, then bring it back,

Now, that’s what I call “Ballin’ the Jack”.

Wait — that can’t be right… Ah, here are my notes on the PWoS exercises. Sorry about that little lapse into Advanced Silliness … Here are the correct instructions:

Buy the Exercise #1 Kit and do it, actually perform the exercise. Don’t sit around waiting for an exercise that doesn’t involve a Kit, because they don’t exist. Every exercise I built for the PWoS Series uses a Kit of some sort, containing the ingredients for the exercise, the things you’ll need to carry out the instructions, which are kept very simple, and are written for a multi-language audience, taking into account the Indo-European and other language roots, but if you cannot follow them, you have only to call and someone will talk you through it or explain the words you don’t understand.

You will receive good value for your time, energy & money investment. You will learn things that you cannot learn with the mind alone.

One requirement is that you concurrently perform the Basic Movement Series; this keeps the chakras balanced and gives you the energy you will need to perform the exercises. Don’t think for a minute that these exercises are easy. They’re not, nor were they ever intended to be. They put you through the Mill, as they say.

A well-designed exercise will make you huff and puff, will put some strain on you, yet not discourage you completely by being so overwhelming that you can’t do it. It needs balance, and that’s what you’ll get from my newly-released Series I PWoS Exercises.

Each Set of Exercises is priced according to the cost of the Kit, and the prices are kept as low as possible while maintaining sustainability of the program; if you need a scholarship, they’re available through the generosity of several wonderful donors on your behalf. There is no way to deliver the course free — everything in this world costs somebody something, and if you don’t pay, someone else will have to. That’s the way it works on this planet.  If you want it to be different, work for it.

PWoS Kit #1 Comes with the following, if you’re still with me:

1 Set of Instructions. 1 Box of 12 Greeting Cards, cost to you, only $35, and I pay the postage — even for overseas!

I know; it sounds stupid to gain spiritual strength from selling greeting cards — it doesn’t make any sense to the brain, but if you follow the instructions precisely, you will have a spiritual experience and a profound epiphany within a very short period of time, provided you actually carry out the exercise as stated.

As a result of that experience, you will experience change.

That change is what you’re after, not information.

See You At The Top!!!
