Character Class Rundown for the GODD Engine

laugh your ass off playing fartbomb, the latest wild and crazy game from goddgames.
laugh your ass off playing fartbomb, the result of years of gorbyscience.

OSELCHAR controls the size and appearance of the Avatar, plus the speed of movement on X, Y & Z vectors, the height and width of the actual object, the weight — more properly, the mass, which is independent of gravity as a relative measure — the rate of turn, and a whole lot more character detail.

The OSELCHAR (Object Select Character) can be triggered by any TAG issued by a variety of possible contact points, such as an OTAGSW, WTAGSW or RTAGSW and more triggering agents abound.

The OSELCHAR can bring about many changes in the character. We can upgrade armor, weapons, hats, you name it, but each upgrade requires a lot of hidden behind-the-scenes programming.

SELECTVOICE1 – SELECTVOICE9 — Selects a SET of voices out of nine possible sets, some male, some female, some animal or alien soundbytes, for application in the following circumstances:

  • PLAYERHIT — Generally an “ow” sound to get the idea across of being hit but not critically.
  • PLAYERDIES — A parting grunt all the way to a piercing horrible scream can be issued on this action prompted by a DEATHTAG which you’ll find tucked away somewhere in the .ini file.
  • JUMP & LAND — This is handled in the following:

OSETJUMP1 – OSETJUMP9 — Selects a SET of indicators determining which sounds will occur at jump and land points. Generally a grunt for the jump and a thump sound for the landing, plus the bone crunch that goes with all landings. This also sets the height and speed of the OBJECT jump, which may be different from the ANIMATION jump.


AVAILTOOLS1 – AVAILTOOLS9 — This is intended to kick in with a TAG issued from the OSELCHAR when it is activated. It defines the set of TOOLS available to that particular CHARACTER CLASS, whichever one you have selected with which to run the course.

TOOLSPOWER1 – TOOLSPOWER9 — This sets the relative power of each TOOL in the selected TOOLSET of the character, and is based on the CHARACTER CLASS and the level of the character in the game. It is intended to trigger when the OSELCHAR is picked up with an OPICKUP or triggered with a TAG in a variety of TAG-endowed OBJECTS.

SETOS1 – SETOS9 — As the character moves up-level, the SETOS should be replaced to reflect the greater power, challenge and obstacles of the higher levels. This determines the levels of LIFE, ARMOR, GOLD, MAGIC & EXPERIENCE POINTS that are set as the RESPAWN STATE of the Avatar should it be recycled by a dungeon monster.

Here are the BASIC WEAPONS I’ve developed so far:

  • TOOL 0 — HAND or FIST — Unlimited usage, deals only 1 unit of damage per hit, has limited range and effect. This could be HAND, and FIST could be a different TOOL, see???
  • TOOL 1 — PISTOL — Fairly fast weapon that is not very accurate at long range, but is very effective close-up and personal. It does additional damage of +1 damage per hit, for a total of 2 damage points per hit, providing the projectile actually contacts the target, which is a collision issue, of course. The bullets are small and therefore harder to hit with at a distance, requiring better instinctive aim, not just wild blasting away at a vague area. You can carry up to 32 rounds in 4 clips of 8 rounds.
  • TOOL 2 — BOOMERANG — Every one of my games has some variant of the Boomerang, which reaches out and brings in objects that are not tied down by a number of different tricks I employ to make them not pickup-able. The boomerang will travel the entire length of the map and return, if you insist. The Boomerang can be used, but not very rapidly, even when another of your boomies is still out there somewhere. It is possible to use the Boomerang as a weapon, but you will only bring the monster closer to you as you hit it with the very ineffective ‘Rang.
  • TOOL 3 — BOMBS — These are terrifically destructive and come in a variety of forms, from simple round fuse-bombs all the way to elaborate sticky-bombs or grenades, and can be made to function as trapper bombs with long delays. You can only carry 12 bombs, but they are the equal of anything you will find in the dungeons, with a damage of 13 — the basic damage of 1 unit, plus 12 more units of damage per hit. You can’t throw one BOMB after another — the wait-time is around 1-3 seconds between throws.
  • TOOL 4 — BOW or CROSSBOW — A fairly rapid weapon with an added damage factor of +6, giving you a whalloping 7 damage per hit, a lot of firepower for the beginning dungeon, but barely enough to get you through the higher levels, unless there’s a POWERUP in your future, providing you with a new set of TOOLS and CONDITIONS. You can only carry up to 48 ARROWS or BOLTS with you, and it takes one second to reload a BOLT.
  • TOOL 5 — PYRO — The PYRO GEL is powerful, adding 6 additional damage points to the basic damage of 1 point, making it a 7-damage weapon, not bad for even the higher levels, except that there’s a delay in firing up the PYRO weapon, to allow it to cool down between blasts. You can’t carry more than 32 PYRO GEL packs at a time, so you need to be judicious in their usage.
  • TOOL 6 — GRAPPLE — The GRAPPLE is fast and effective as a movement device, but not as a weapon. It will get you over walls and keep you out of the slime and lava pits. It has unlimited usage and does not require a refill.
  • TOOL 7 — ROCKET LAUNCHER — You get 12 very powerful rockets, with an additional damage of 12 points per hit, making it 13 damage points in all. Used carefully, the ROCKET LAUNCHER should get you through some bad times in the more advanced levels of dungeon and overworld.
  • TOOL 8 — MAGIC — This +20 points of damage device can be used as a weapon or healing apparatus, or can be applied as a Resurrection Ankh or modified for use in any action that requires RESTORATION of the SETOS of the targeted character. RESTORE HEALTH, ARMOR & MAGIC for others, not for self, is the basic function of MAGIC.
  • TOOL 9 — AUTOFIRE — This rapidfire setting allows you to fire off up to 500 rounds of ammo in a total panic before you have to see a merchant to buy more stuff.

So that’s the rundown of the tools I’m working on at the moment, although they are radically modified for the game we’re putting them into, which is FARTBOMB 2016, Rise of the Empire, a hilarious game that will make you laugh as you run through it.

The TRAJECTORY or curve of the projectile is achieved by a balance between MASS, RADIUS, RADIUS, HEIGHT & SPEED of the PROJECTILE.

A TOOL is actually divided into three parts — the tool itself, the projectile and the explosion or resulting sphere of influence.

The TOOL is defined in the .ini file and given its characteristics through timing of animations and actions in the series called for in the line text of the .ini file.

The PROJECTILE can be altered by MASS, SIZE & SPEED to issue straight and stay flat-trajectory, like an iron bolt from a crossbow, or to lob and curve to a blobby sort of finish on the front lawn as a ripping, blasting explosion that leaves a permanent scar in the landscape. The whole thing with a projectile is its trajectory. The size of the projectile will also determine how much accuracy and aim is required. A large, wide projectile can’t help but hit a target, while a small one can easily miss the collision needed to score a hit.

The EXPLOSION is defined by the RADIUS & HEIGHT of the object as stated in the .ini file, plus the SPEED at which the explosion radiates from its ground-zero.

Well, I’ve worked for several hours on the weapons for FartBomb, to my temporary satisfaction. I’ll send it off for play-testing later this morning — meanwhile, back to work on the Prosperity Ashram, and perhaps I’ll do a bit of sailing, flying and race track driving while I’m at it — if you see me working there, you’re welcome to watch, but I don’t have time for chatter.

See You At The Top!!!
