Amy is totally brilliant.
Amy in Tattoo-Fashions leather skirt & Amber necklace — “how about black light and glow in the dark???”

BLACKLIGHT & GLOW-IN-THE-DARK tattoos and nail art? Sure, why not? Why not is because I just didn’t think of it, that’s why not, but fortunately, AMY did!!! (Did I mention that Amy is brilliant???) Okay, so I ran home, dashed into my studio and blasted away on a hundred and fifty acrylic nail-forms, until I have in hand a MANDARIN MAGIC NAIL that CAN BE SEEN by entities who cannot see well in the Human Visible Light Spectrum. Continue reading

MAYA 3 Is Near Completion

Well, give me a few hundred more hours and I’ll have her ready to drive. I still haven’t put in some of the misty things and dank, murky, darkened tomb hallways and close, cramped low-ceilinged cut-stone corridors that must be lit by a small lantern, casting only a little circle of light. This level is inspired by a visit to a number of tombs in 1969. I didn’t have to use the photos I snapped — the experience was captured wholesale and put into these eight tough Pre-Columbian tomb settings. Is it retro? Not enough to suit me, but yes, it is — however, many of the effects could not have been produced Back In The Day, so it’s a blend of retro design and very advanced programming. It is a timed game, with timed adventures and puzzles to solve.