Take the S.S. “Respawn” to Freedom!!!


There it is… the SS “Respawn” at her docking station in RiverWorld I, which is only hours away from Prime-Time Readiness…(She’s equipped with a convenient ATM machine at her engine area.) When the engine is net-player ready, which it isn’t yet, but I’m sure it will be here tomorrow, you’ll be able to board the boat by the dozens and have a river pilot take you up or down the river. I’ll be making the “Mark Twain” riverboat in the next orb, Riverworld II, which I’ll be starting tonight, in order to have it ready by the time you’ll need it. Two boats are required for the next level. These expeditions have stops along the way — circles, dance areas, picnic grounds, gathering places, performance venues and sacred ritual areas, all reached by riverboat as a group. Waterway Group Adventure Games are also on the way — I’ve started an Expedition I orb tonight, which I’ll work on as solutions present themselves. It’s a very difficult project because it involves taking the new GODD engine into realms not yet explored. I’ll post my advances in this area as progress is made. Stay tuned.

See You At The Top!!!


Tonight’s Work Schedule


Very Special Good Wishes to Jedrik!!! (I built a prim sculpture that says “HI!” in the temple, will leave it up for the night. Interestingly I didn’t get bumped out until I’d completed the exclamation point, so my net connection is getting better.)

What I’m doing tonight… It’s almost 2 am (make that “well-past-2-am” now, and getting mysteriously later and later, all the time) and all I’ve done so far is categorize the orbs on which I’m working to get them ready for this weekend’s ICW if I can. Dick is working very hard to get the fixes in so my boat rides work correctly, which at the moment, they don’t. The slants are fixed on the boat, but not entirely sure they work on land. Some do, some don’t. Will be trying to debug that while I build boats out of prim type “rboxes”, which are what we call “prims” in the GODD engine.

Here are the orbs I’m working on concurrently:

RAFTER — Workout orb for boat and water problems and steering issues, etc.
SHIRE RAFT — Rafting Expedition through the Shire with lots of bulldozing & hills
RIVER BOAT — “Mark Twain” two-story Steamboat with passengers & lots of detail
00 RIVER — Steamboat paddle-wheeler — Really New Orleans style
BOATRIDE — Uncertain what the boat will look like atm, but the ride is beautiful)
CANAL ZONE — Canal boat ride similar to Team Fortress Canal Zone)
REBIRTH (a stunning variant of warftown that resembles actual rebirth events)
VENICE (waterworld version of HADRON — this will be the basis of some running orbs)
SEA RAFT (that’s the one in the video — this is a wide open space with tropical islands)


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Valentine’s Day Special — Video Added at Lunchtime…


Happy Valentine’s Day!!! This is what I’ve been working on intensely, without a single break, all night, since Val delivered the new GODD engine with the RAFT. You’ll note that I’ve bulldozed & plowed pretty much every island in the layout. Some of the higher hills are 30 meters or more. It’s on a shallow inland lake, so if you happen to stumble into the water, you can get right back on land or on the raft without hassle. This is one of several stressbusters I’m working on right now for release with the new RAFT engine. BTW, it is of some note that the raft will also fly like a carpet.


See You At The Top!!!


Can’t Get Into Second Life? No Problem! Try This Solution!


You’re looking — from quite a long distance — at the Temple of Karnak in the GODD gaming engine. I’ve got about 100 hours into it so far, and it’s far from done, but on the other hand, it’s well on its way to Ready for Prime Time. Notice that I didn’t say “prim” this time. That’s because in GODD, all things are possible; in short, we don’t have to count no prims. I guess I might as well take a snapper closeup of the Great Palace at Karnak… here ’tis:


There’s plenty of room for a processional, and you have your choice of over 100 different Egyptian characters from ordinary slaves, freemen and laborers to high aristocracy and dozens of male, female and unspecified gender gods and goddesses of the ancient sort. As a matter of fact, some of them are guarding the Palace. Living Gods as statuary? Yeh. We ancient guys do it all the time. Marble and bronze? That’s strictly for amateurs.

Here’s a Medieval Village that’s going in just down the road… actually, up the river:


This orb will handle many many avatars all at once. You’ll be able to try it real soon. Oh, one more item — FAXL band members dedicated our show yesterday to Pete Seeger, apparently at about the time he passed. He’ll be at the StarLite Lounge and the OtherSider Cafe in the ashram, I’m told by those in the know. See ya there, Pete!

Folks who can’t get into Second Life quite often find that the GODD engine runs just fine in their old, crappy computer or underpowered laptop. Can’t guarantee it, the whole thing’s a total crapshoot until the computer industry grows up, but try it, maybe it’ll work, and you can squeeze a few hundred avatars in there and see the effect. You’ll be whizzing around like the Goddess Zippididoodah herself!

See You At The Top!!!





MAYA 3 Is Near Completion


Well, give me a few hundred more hours and I’ll have her ready to drive. I still haven’t put in some of the misty things and dank, murky, darkened tomb hallways and close, cramped low-ceilinged cut-stone corridors that must be lit by a small lantern, casting only a little circle of light. This level is inspired by a visit to a number of tombs in 1969. I didn’t have to use the photos I snapped — the experience was captured wholesale and put into these eight tough Pre-Columbian tomb settings. Is it retro? Not enough to suit me, but yes, it is — however, many of the effects could not have been produced Back In The Day, so it’s a blend of retro design and very advanced programming. It is a timed game, with timed adventures and puzzles to solve.

Okay, Natasha, Here is Game Plan:

Recognize the phrase? If you watched Rocky & Bullwinkle, you’ll easily recall Boris Badenov’s voice. Here, in fact, IS the game plan for the development of GODD Games:

Diablo III is finally here, after more than two decades in development. Notably, the servers are down again today, this time for five hour or more, while Blizzard irons out the bugs they failed to catch because they never player-tested the game until final release.

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Casino in a Box

Reno #3

This is a view of one of the levels I’m currently working on…the Reno Run, a simple Bardo Game. So big deal…what’s the fuss? The Big Deal is that this is not in an ordinary 3D game engine. This is FULL 3D running on an ordinary browser, with no download/install hassles. It’s very close to being multiplayer, and particle weapons and environment are now being added. We are millions of miles ahead of any other Indie Game Maker! All we need is a small promotional budget to make people aware of the breakthrough!!! Once we have it running on browsers, it’ll be the right time to release our full 3-D iphone android gaming apps. We will be amongst the very first with full-immersion 3D for pads and cells. There’s more…

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