New Music on the Way…


Using Didgeridoos, Hapi drums, Native American Spirit Flutes, Djembe and Ibo along with Prepared Violin, Keyboards and Electric Bass, the Geezer Band delights young & old — the middle-aged remain uncommitted. You will be seeing lots more music coming your way. With jazz trax from Jimmi Accardi & Bob Bachtold, I’ve been recording a sax album with Oz, and we’ll be adding some more tracks tomorrow.

See You At The Top!!!


River Rafter


I’m working concurrently on 19 orbs, most of which are 99% done. I’m waiting for a stable water engine before releasing any that contain water journeys (gosh, just think; soon it will be “journey’s” and “journies”, and when TXT becomes the Official Language of Earth in just over a decade, the word “journeys” will have been swangled into the TXTWRD=JRNY. Gee whillikers, is there no end to human ingenuity???

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Wynton Marsalis & Ted Nash & Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra

I was determined to get to the concert venue to see the installation, and maybe run into Wynton Marsalis and Ted Nash, and by golly, to everyone’s surprise including my own, I actually made it into town in late afternoon — about 3:30 — and sure enough, ran into many old friends at the jazz venue, many musicians, photographers, artists and more, all there to see the show. I knew I wouldn’t be able to remain, but stayed awhile, long enough to meet with Ted Nash, Julie Baker and a few other old friends (“old friends” never sounds right — they’re young friends from long ago…dang if that don’t sound no better). The band arrived late, after my energy ran out at about 6:30, a very long time in town for my tired old frame. So, I’ll meet you in the ICW in a few minutes from now, where you’ll see a wonderful collection of very famous art — I’m making a video catalog of the art collections that are up for sale for an art-dealer friend…actually two friends, with quite different interests; one specializes in Old Masters — not the cigars, the painters — and the other in Modern & Contemporary. You’ll be seeing a lot of museum-grade original works by everyone from Renoir to Rauschenberg.

See You At The Top!!!


Fresh JazzArt Sold Here Now

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Here’s one of my “Proof of Concept” JazzArt® trading cards. The idea is that we could offer them to various jazz foundations as fund-raisers and neighborhood jazz awareness programs, etc. to create interest and support for local jazz artists and venues. I’m hoping to have some ready for tonight’s Wynton Marsalis & Ted Nash concert in Grass Valley, featuring JazzArt from myself and our “Grass Valley Graphics Group” artists. I’ll be working the whole night through to get these done in time for printing (they also need back-printing, of course), insertion into top-loaders, presentation pages and all that sort of thing you do when making a product. We’re producing just a few artist’s proof copies to get the idea across, then we’ll arrange for photo rights, etc. with the photographers, artists, and of course, musicians. I had an idea that recordings of these concerts, especially videos, could be used as fund-raiser promotional premiums (would the correct Latin here be “premiae”???).

See You At The Top!!!



Pictured above, you’ll note my personal favorite CQR amulet, the Quantum Witch. There’s a lot to it, and it’s a bitch to make — squeezing the electrolytic capacitor into the crystals is just about impossible, and the double-inductance wire-wound coil is outrageously tough to produce, but there it is, ceramic nc foil & all. Most amazing thing about this particular ammy is that it’s quite useful, although all the ammies WILL work in this function, for IDR research.

“What, exactly, is IDR Research?”, you ask. IDR=Inter-Dimensional Radio. “Never heard of it,” you respond, quite rightly, because those working in this area really don’t want you to know about it. As a matter of fact, they’ll tell you that you’re crazy to think that such a thing is going on, right under the noses of the Popular Masses, meaning us.

The Big Guys in Washington and Moscow actually WANT you to think that UFOs are piloted by interstellar greenies with teensy antennae waving about their big bald heads.

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