Democratic Punch-Out

Apparently, Donald Trump caught a wicked cold when he was out golfing last weekend. His doctor ordered him to drink a glass of scalding hot lemon water after an equally scalding hot bath. I asked Donald how it had worked out. “Can’t tell yet,” he said in his saddest whine, “I haven’t finished drinking the hot bath yet.”

Yep, you guessed it, if you know your Democrats. Suicidal Stupidity. They’re at it, as usual — haw, haw!!! To the delight of any Republican, the Democrats are busy punching each other and furnishing Donald Trump with belly laughs and TONS of soundbytes and talking points, and in his case, the resulting crash of the Democratic Party causes a major trembling in the earth. Continue reading

LeslieAnn Roasts Mark Meadows

So how in the world do you pull off something like this? Just hours after the news broke and the Mark Meadows scandal, which I’ll explain momentarily, hit the shit.

First of all, you’ve got to have a concept. In this case, it’s a simple matter — Cummings had Meadows’ back instantly at great personal risk. He stood up for Meadows when he was called a racist, which by the way, he emphatically is, and I can prove it. Continue reading

Questions From Kelli

Kelli has a class project due today — we all thought we had another week to work on it, but it snuck up on us real quick-like, and here we are:

“Why did you start performing as LeslieAnn?

Somebody had to do it. Seriously, it just seemed to me to be the safe time to cross-dress, but that isn’t true under the Rule of Trump, just under the Rule of Law, which we no longer have. Notably, I have not performed as LeslieAnn nor have I costumed up for photo ops since Trump stole the Presidency with a trick of the Electoral College, while losing the popular vote. Gender, Race, Religion and Intelligence are all presently under attack, and I wouldn’t appear in public as anything but white Christian if I could help it. It’s tough enough to face the prejudice as a Jew — add to that the homophobia and racism and you get “No Comedy Tonight” — signs that hung outside theaters under Hitler’s regime. Like Hitler, Trump has zero sense of humor. My aim in comedy is not to perform it, but to teach it. I had good teachers, like Frank Gorshin and Jonathan Winters, and comedy is a great path to wisdom. For some oppressed people, it’s the only way they can get in a lick or two while being beaten to a pulp by a large bully or an overwhelming mob of crazed zombies. For some great examples of this, check out Mel Brooks’ takes on Hitler, Jeff Dunham’s political rips, and Carol Burnett’s entire show all the time. Like I said, many comedians want to be saying something clever while they’re being driven into the ground by a bully.

“What is the meaning of LeslieAnn?”

Nothing in particular.  I like the name because it’s unusual enough that it can be used as a single name, which is how I always bill an act — easy to remember. Don’t overestimate the intelligence of humans of Planet Earth. LeslieAnn is the name I used for several female lifetimes and one male lifetime on Planet Earth — remember, please, that for me, a human being is merely an avatar in a fairly small and simple 37th century Full-Immersion Reality Game called “Urthgame”, and if you don’t believe me, you can look it up in the Akashic Records, which is presently called “google”. Continue reading

Grab a Guitar & Join the War!!!

LeslieAnn ripping into Trump at a recent comedy performance in Reno.

Feeling helpless? Is Trump too much in your face all the time? Are you sick of hearing his voice and seeing his stupid wig flapping around in the breeze? Do you wish you had a photo of the bald Donald Trump to post on your facebook page?

Well, despair no longer, bunkie. Your days of frustration are over, and Donald Trump’s are just beginning. The Power of Song is greater than you think. It’s more than reason, more than persuasion, much more than mere influence.

Song is the basis of shamanic magic, did you know that?

In ALL spiritual practices, song is used to convey prayer, to build thought-forms, to open portals, gateways, doorways and StarGates.

Sound has power, but you already knew that. Okay, so how to harness it for a specific purpose?

Well, first, you have to have a purpose, and that means some sort of target effect, so you can measure your success. There can be no greater purpose than to regain your country and your freedoms and to help others who are too helpless to help themselves do this by teaching them HOW TO RESIST TYRANNY. Continue reading

You know what Jack Carroll can’t stand? Sorry, wrong grammar; You know what? Jack Carroll can’t stand.

I want you to see these videos. Run them all the way through, right to the judging parts and such. Jack Carroll’s comedy is his very own style & brand of humor, and I think you’re in for a very powerful and wonderful surprise. When you’re down about your own condition, keep Jack Carroll’s refreshing attitude handy. By the second joke, you’ll forget that he’s … well, he’s ….

Stay with it, it just gets better… Continue reading