ESCAPE! Videos #10

I’m going to try a new format this morning, where I just say whatever I want to say, and at the same time, run a few interesting and possibly funny videos past you, to take off some of the sting — but you need to know what’s going on, even while you’re laughing out loud.

So … Here we are, exactly one week away from the midterms, and there is no good news ahead — it’s all bad, starting with the loss of democracy and the annihilation of the vote, but wait! You can still have a few laughs before they come to get you, and here’s one of them:

The Purges have begun. When Trump is placed back in office — and he will be — everyone who has EVER been even SLIGHTLY critical of Trump will be rounded up and taken to the wall, and I don’t mean the wall that the Mexicans were supposed to pay for.

I’ll definitely be among the first against the wall, for a variety of offenses including my political humor book, “Trump is a Four-Letter Word”, and my Protest Songbook, Protest CD album, protest cartoons and videos and, of course, my 18 newly released video games that make fun of Trump and the allies he rode in on. Continue reading

ESCAPE! Videos #4

This video was posted by Yanesh — I’d never seen it either. I hope you enjoy it. I’m NOT a drummer by any stretch of the imagination. Actually, I’ve only ever played kit drums a few dozen times, always just for fun, like this little practice session you see here.

But what about all that stuff that’s happening right now? All those horrible things happening to people all over the world including here, what about all that stuff? Well, it’s time to stop watching the news like a bird watches a snake, and get out of your body for a while.

Your Out of Body Experience awaits you! Prepare yourself for a journey beyond space, time and the 10-second commercial, into the faraway realm of ESCAPE! Videos. Lose yourself in laughter and general merriment, and experience things you would never ordinarily discover, but you will discover them NOW! (snaps fingers). Continue reading

Who is Jack Aiello?


I think you’re in for a few minutes of solid laughs here — I can’t imagine anyone getting through it without at least one break in the squalor of daily life.

The kid is amazing — he has a lot of talent, and clearly can break out of just the one gag.

That’s it for now — just wanted to share these unique comedy moments with you.

See You At The Top!!!


Free Trump Comedy Roast!!!

VGA Open 1st Hole par 3. The “19th Hole” Pro Shop is visible on the horizon.


Here’s a FREE comedy roast I put together just for you. It will help with the pain, believe me. Laughter is the Best Medicine, so they say. That’s fortunate, because it’s the only medical procedure covered by my current healthcare plan. I kept the gags pretty tame — I have the ability to make slashingly biting comments, but choose not to go there.

Keep in mind that you’re gonna have to use these gags really soon. Trump won’t last the year, I’m guessing, so book your comedy gigs early and work up an act featuring Pence, or you won’t be working standup comedy gigs next year, is my prediction.

Today, Trump. Tomorrow, Steve “Suckass” Bannon — he’s a private citizen now, so we can truly go to town on him! He thinks HE has weapons in the keyboard? What a maroon. He never came up against me, or anything remotely like me, but he’s in my radar now.

In the Bardos, he’s hamburger. Without further ado, here is the FREE comedy routine, which took me the better part of two days to whittle down to this size.

Continue reading

Accessorizing for the Hell World

Make an annoying video or videogame ridiculing Trump, that’ll set you free!!!

You’re here in the Hell World and I can prove it in two words: Donald Trump. Sure, everybody on the street and in the workplace make fun of him — he is funny, looks funny, acts funny and his blustery aggression just makes it funnier.

No wonder he becomes a Person of Ridicule as the years pass. Back in the 37th century, which means “just outside the SIM”, we have records of phrases from the 21st century, one of which is “Don’t Be A Trump!” and “Hey, don’t Trump me, Bro!”.

I came here to find out about those expressions as part of my Term Paper for history class, which is who is in this SIM besides me — there are 35 other class members in here, making it very, very crowded.

There are 7.2 billion humans on Planet Earth right now, but that’s being handled.

Never you mind about that. You must learn to IGNORE WASHINGTON, ignore North Korea, ignore Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, UAR, all the countries that act up and sound fierce.

You probably don’t know what to do in the face of it — you’re suddenly on the “wanted” list, like someone whose palm-gem has suddenly turned red long before Last-Day and Carousel. Continue reading

Ready to Give Up???

That beautiful pre-war Leica iii-C was the best 35mm camera I ever used, and I still have it, courtesy Army Security Agency, Fort Devens, Mass.

On Tax Day, April 15, 2017 many tens of thousands of angry taxpayers took to the streets in protest. They pay taxes every year, Donald Trump has never paid a penny of tax in his entire life, and he uses up taxpayer money like water, as you’ve seen.

Did Emperor Donald take this seriously? Did he see the handwriting on the wall?

Of course not.

I told you before, with all due respect, Donald Trump is clinically insane which, if he didn’t have his finger on the nuclear trigger, would be no big deal.

As I’ve said before, he’s an NPD, a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which doesn’t listen and doesn’t respect or trust others, and there’s no cure for NPD, none whatsoever.

Trump tweeted — of course he tweeted, what else would you expect??? — that ALL the demonstrators who marched on Tax Day were paid actors.

Oh, yeah? Nobody paid ME to protest, and I’m protesting plenty, while I still can, because I KNOW that within days or weeks, my ability to do could be seriously reduced by the Gestapo or worse, an Agency Setup.

As a graduate of two Unnamed Agencies and one that appears in my service records, the Army Security Agency, I know what their mindset is, and my continued survival and ability to publish is not among their top concerns.

In short, I’m expendable as hell.

I take a hell of a chance singing songs of protest, writing poems, blogs and video game levels that make fun of Donald Trump, but I’ve always said, if I’m to be hanged as a horse-thief, I’ll at least have the horse. Continue reading

Grab a Guitar & Join the War!!!

LeslieAnn ripping into Trump at a recent comedy performance in Reno.

Feeling helpless? Is Trump too much in your face all the time? Are you sick of hearing his voice and seeing his stupid wig flapping around in the breeze? Do you wish you had a photo of the bald Donald Trump to post on your facebook page?

Well, despair no longer, bunkie. Your days of frustration are over, and Donald Trump’s are just beginning. The Power of Song is greater than you think. It’s more than reason, more than persuasion, much more than mere influence.

Song is the basis of shamanic magic, did you know that?

In ALL spiritual practices, song is used to convey prayer, to build thought-forms, to open portals, gateways, doorways and StarGates.

Sound has power, but you already knew that. Okay, so how to harness it for a specific purpose?

Well, first, you have to have a purpose, and that means some sort of target effect, so you can measure your success. There can be no greater purpose than to regain your country and your freedoms and to help others who are too helpless to help themselves do this by teaching them HOW TO RESIST TYRANNY. Continue reading