In GODD All Things Are Possible…


tiffany models ej gold copper jewelry
Tiffany Models EJ Gold copper jewelry, featured at the Grass Valley Celtic Festival this Season of the Witch

Photo by James Rodney!!! Incredible, eh?

Back from breakfast, waiting for our daily Cloister Admin Meeting, which we never miss — we used to skip a meeting now and then, but now, and for the past six months, we just don’t. Death and Illness are the only two excuses from the Admin Meeting.

If you form a leadership group in the Ashram, which I encourage and even insist upon — you can’t count on me for daily leadership, and leadership isn’t appointed, it just is — anyhow, the leadership in the Ashram should also meet on a daily basis.

I know, it’s hard, there are tons and tons of pressing obligations all around you, but that’s the story with admin, no vacations, long hours, low pay, no thanks. Continue reading

Oh, Boy, Am I Excited!!!


Oh, boy, am I excited! More excited about anything in GODD since the invention of the Remedy Orb!!! Actually, I’m more excited about anything that’s happened in the past decade in the realm of GOOD GODD™ Orb Training Levels …

After more than 30 years in GODD™ Games development, I’ve brought my skills to the perfection of the ultimate group dungeon experience, and after thousands of constructive failures, I have my first Success. It’s called “Reality Shifter 1”, and is the first of nine Orbs created to train one to cross boundaries and recognize the shift through signs & portents.

That means “if you weren’t paying attention the first time through, no matter how good your memory is, you won’t notice any change.”

My Reality Shifter Orbs teach the Being to see, record & remember. You will gain the skill to see across boundaries of all kinds, including death and rebirth. All will be open to you.

Continue reading

…But Wait, There’s More…!!!

This is a short addendum to the previous blog, brought about by comments made locally on the blog…I’m right in the middle of trying to catch Oz before he goes on a recording trip in order to make the ammy inductions, about which I’m very excited, in the YoYoDyne sense of the word.

None of the previous blogs were addressed to any individual — the comments were and always law-comformably must be general and inclusive of the entire audience. You never know to whom you’re speaking, as my Naqshbandi friends will have me say.

This blog is addressed specifically to SpaceBuddhaa, but I’m posting it for the general good. These are items that could be used to spot Reality Shifts, and I’m sharing them with the whole gang, although only SpaceBuddhaa would know the significance of most of these addendum items of change:

1.   As of yesterday, Holly is no longer at Dr. Magnussen’s, nor even in California. She and her husband bought an rv and took off in it, for parts unknown. She is, in this Reality, not there and never has been.

2.   Sam no longer works at Staples. She is managing the deli at Safeway in Grass Valley, and is happy as a clam doing just that.

3.  Amy is no longer permitted personal visitors at the shop as of this change point.

4.   Tiffany is no longer working there, as of this change point, and she is now a pro model.

5.   As of today, both of Dick’s eyes work.

6.   Bunny’s apartment is up for rent.

7.  Kurtis got married.

There are many more small items, but they add up quickly with as huge a space change as we just had.

PS: Please announce that we are now live on livestream, the channel you set up for us, and I’ll be celebrating the VERY FIRST DAY OF BROADCAST today LIVE on there, and I dedicate the broadcast to Prosperity North and Prosperidad Espana!!!

Love and Blessings and Peace and Harmony to all!!!

See You At The Top!!!

old gorby

Reality Shift Alert


photo of E.J. Gold & Robert Anton Wilson during reality shift 1980.

You’ve just had an example of one of the grossest and most obvious Reality Shifts we’ve had in a couple of years. What happens is this: you wake up one morning, and unaccountably, absolutely everything is somehow different. The differences are generally subtle and hard to detect unless you’re a very experienced XD (Extra-Dimensional) Voyager, and you happen to have a very good CROSS-MEMORY.

The CROSS-MEMORY is what doesn’t disappear when you cross over into another parallel world, which happens on a tiny scale every day, but this recent boundary crossing was enough of a whopper to make you sit up and take notice.

At last, a clear and easy to understand Reality Shift Transition that I can point to and we can examine it in detail.


When a major Rift and Shift occurs, you FEEL it, but usually can’t SEE it. In this case, it’s quite visible. The Guildenkranz effect is this: one minute you’re one place, and the very next moment, you’re somewhere else.

I refer to the play, Guildenstern & Rosenkranz here; whenever the characters are needed onstage to play a scene, they suddenly shoot there, fall there, stumble in there, whatever it takes to get them to the right place at the appointed time.

In a Reality Shift, the receiving end literally pulls you to it, you don’t go there, so the net result is:

Wherever you are now, that’s where you’ve always been. Continue reading

Yes, we know that is gone forever, but read on…


Please, no more emergency calls! Thanks to a large number of folks, we found out about an hour ago that is gone forever, leaving us with no realtime video service. This leaves us wondering how to proceed. We have several options, none of them particularly good. Claude is working on it, and we’ll hopefully have a solution by the time of the convention…the thing is, it’s a spooky set of coincidences, signs & portents, possibly indicating a Major Change for you and your work community.

Yesterday was Monday. The band, FAXL, played live during a three-hour thunderstorm on the same day that I changed the front of the Chen-Rig Temple to accommodate a speaker’s podium.

Then today there was the announcement from SpaceBuddhaa and Kyle and then today, like a shot out of nowhere, goes down forever, and at the same time, we come to find out that our email service changed its equipment and may have dropped us for several months back, at least for incoming mail. My email and grishy’s still don’t work, and haven’t for a while now.

Is this a sign that we should move the ICW to the Ashram? Or does it mean we should re-evaluate our 24 hour a day broadcasting commitment? Or something entirely different? Or nothing at all, it’s all just a weird chain of seemingly co-incidental events… Continue reading

An Important Post on the Same Day, Same Room, Same Time —

ancientgold01 copy

Gosh, I gave away a Great Secret in that rambling situational update, one blog back. I mentioned that The Heart is a Radio, and boy, did it spark comment at breakfast!

See, what that means to you is that people can FEEL you coming a block away and around any corner, long before they SEE you, and what’s more, I mentioned at breakfast that you can alter what the heart sends out as a message.

You KNOW this to be true, that the heart radiates emotion. Continue reading

What’s Going On Here, Anyway???


This blog started out on the subject of How to use your Brane-Power Ammy Induction Apps — merely wear the Ammy of choice, download and run the corresponding Ammy Induction from your iPhone or Android, but then, in the middle of it, came The Announcement about SpaceBuddhaa’s resignation from the Cloister, on facebook, and I’m including some commentary on it. Relax, it’s nothing to get hung about. Read on. Continue reading

Angelic Harp Calls

Any computer programmer, certainly any game developer, will immediately understand when I refer to a “call”. It means that I’ve sent a uniquely recognizable prompt to the Central Processor asking for a specific response. I “call” for an action, perhaps an execution of a sound, plus an animation, say a “spin-around once, and jump up once”, when I trigger TAG=123, for instance.

And anyone with any kind of wired or wireless connection to the internet will know what a dropped call means. If you think of a smartphone as a communications device with unknown entities in some sort of electronic but not necessarily geophysical relationship to you, you’ll get the idea of what it is to “call”  or “to call down” an angel.

Uh, before you whip out your Angelic Harp or Singing Bowl or Portable Temple Bell or whatever you use to alert higher-ups that you’ve logged on and are asking for an open channel (I always use Channel “D”, an old habit left over from working at Arena Productions), I must warn you that calls cost you something, and it isn’t money. Continue reading

A Season in Hell…

Maya was completed yesterday morning. Tonight, we’ll be packing it up for download, and hopefully by the time you read this, the first of my new Adventure Orbs will be ready. Dragon 3D will be an updated version, with new combat and movement and a very advanced particle generator that’s so fast, you won’t feel the drag when you zip past it.

Things are going well in the Orb Department these days. I have a lot of time on my hands the past six months, and decided back in March that I’d try to complete some of the Orbs I started last year. Generally, it takes about a year to get an Orb ready for market.

Tonight, I think I’ll demonstrate the Power of GODD. Continue reading