Cloaking to Unmask the SIM

Cloaking is the donning of a magical garment, which alters the “magical identity” of the wearer. This can be used by a Healer, or by a Subject — indicating “Need Help Healing” or “Need Help Being Healed”. Think of a Cloaking Device as a “Marker” that indicates your presence, need and exact location, so that Celestials will tune in and do their thing.

What do each of these things do, precisely?

Actually, think of ALL my Cloaking Devices as being active in psychic defense primarily, but with other aspects, virtues and attributes, such as:

  • Charisma
  • Strength
  • Safe Passage
  • Clarity
  • Knowledge
  • Clear Vision
  • Smartness
  • Skills
  • Wisdom
  • Purity
  • Protection
  • Attraction
  • Harmony
  • World Peace
  • Green Planet

Some of these designs will naturally have greater effect in one or another area, but they all work in general for the general good, for the good of all beings everywhere, and that includes you. Continue reading


At the airfield on the way to the White House for lunch and meditation.


The Oval Office Project is a non-political, non-sectarian effort to raise the consciousness of the entire staff of the White House, the President’s consciousness and the consciousness of any visitors who happen to wander through on the White House Tour, which won’t be so easy to get on these days, I suspect.

By now, even the most hardened Right-Wing Republican who finds himself to the far right of John Birchers has seen the evidence — President Trump is downright crazy, totally out of control, completely off his rocker, and he has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

Technically speaking, he’s a Classic NPD — Narcissistic Personality Disorder — with a colossal ego inflation and a blustering low-life crudity that makes even the sturdiest supporter cringe now and again. He’s a spoiled brat with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

I said this effort is Non-political, and it is. It has nothing to do with the beliefs, attitudes and party convictions of the current inhabitants of the White House. The reason that this becomes possible is that Trump’s behavior is arrogant, spiteful, childish and on the verge of an uncontrollable tantrum. Bear with me, if you’re a Trump fan, I’m merely establishing the groundwork against which one can measure success. I’ll explain further. Continue reading


you can use the larger images in this blog as screen-savers.


You can place a “TRUMP-FREE ZONE” Medallion at each door and window, and ward off the bad smell, enjoying a new-found freedom from the stench of Trump. Gosh, and he’s the one calling people names like pig-face. Has he ever looked in a mirror?

But NEW FREEDOM is not enough. You need to also STAY FREE!

Unfortunately, if you’re not both white AND Christian, your days are numbered and your life of personal freedom is over forever, even after this administration has gone down the drain, like they do.

Once the Constitution is overturned, we have crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back. If you allow that to happen, you deserve what you get.

In this world of distrust and superstition, racial hatred and religious radicals, there is nowhere to run to, no place to hide, no refuge from the chaotic storm of rage and zombie apocalypse that is coming to this planet. Continue reading

Prosperity Path — True Love Forever Blessing

An Active Blessing is a Prayer or Invocation that is specifically acted out in the Quantum Dimension of Cyberspace. I like to call this action my Prosperity Path Active Blessing.

It’s done by downloading and running one of my Prosperity Path Remedies for personal, business, friends and family goals and purposes, or my Prosperity Path Class Levels for higher goals and purposes.

In my Prosperity Path Levels, you can easily find and run any goal or purpose whether personal and private or universally shared cosmic inspiration, love and harmony. Running the Level increases the percentage of probability that your goal or purpose will succeed.

Continue reading

Gemini Dancer

Just took a few fun minutes to explore the dance move potential in this model when I walked her into the Gemini to check on a few items, notably a bunch of missing lava lamps and a funny countertop. All was resolved, and as I had her stand there in admiration of the work I’d done, she all of a sudden started dancing to the music. It is a rather upbeat tune, eh?

I thought you might enjoy the challenge, so I invite you folks who are running any of the Prosperity Path orbs, whether they’re Remedials or Classes, to make a video of your avatar dancing to the music thereof. You’ll find the best music in the Classes and Higher Levels, where I’ve put most of the really good stuff.